Tenants and leaseholders are to be asked whether some of the money collected in council rents should continue to be spent on youth services.
A report to councillors earlier in the summer said that fewer tenants were reporting anti-social behaviour by young people on the estates thanks to youth projects part-funded from rents.
And a number of young people spoke about the benefits and their positive experiences of youth services at a council committee meeting at Hove Town Hall.
The extra funding is slated for discussion early next month at four housing management panels run by Brighton and Hove City Council.
At the moment the council puts £250,000 a year towards youth services from the council’s Housing Revenue Account which is an account funded by tenants’ rents.
And officials want backing for a plan to spend at least a further £125,000 over the first six months of the next financial year. This would keep services going as they are.
A number of youth service contracts were due to expire next March but the council wants to extend them until October 2020 to allow more time for “recommissioning”.
The council’s key partners include the Hangleton and Knoll Project, the Trust for Developing Communities and Brighton Youth Centre.
Three organisations – Extratime, Allsorts and the Black and Minority Ethnic Young People’s Project – also provide services for young people.
The four housing management panels are due to meet during the first fortnight of September.