The Queen has recognised the woman who brought in extended opening hours at Brighton and Hove’s libraries while elsewhere in the country they were being closed.

Sally McMahon has been awarded the British Empire Medal – for services to libraries – after Libraries Extra allowed the public to use unstaffed branches.
The extended hours scheme has come in during her time as head of libraries and information services at Brighton and Hove City Council.
Ms McMahon praised the work of her fellow library staff and said: “I am thrilled to have been awarded the British Empire Medal for my contribution to libraries.
“My love of libraries started when I was at school and throughout my career I have been passionate about them.
“Libraries are at the heart of local communities and support people’s learning, health and wellbeing in many different ways.
“I have always sought to deliver the best service possible and promote the positive impact of libraries on local people.”
Council leader Nancy Platts said: “Sally’s honour is well deserved and a tribute to her dedication and commitment.”
Ms McMahon has worked in the local library service for more than 25 years, the council said.
Her most significant achievement has been the success of the Jubilee Library, the council added.
The Jubilee Library has been in the top six most popular public libraries in the country every year since it opened in 2005.
This award is a total Obscenity. I am appalled. But for the wiok of relentless civic campaigners and diligent Wish cllr Robert Nemeth, who publicly exposed her arithmetical shenanigans at a council cttee meeting, we would have lost Hove’s Grade 2 Listed Carnegie Library!
Who put this woman’s name forward for an award? It is sickening. Who are the useless civil servants who keep awarding various cronies for persuading the Queen they need awards for doing their jobs – however badly?
Whatever one may think of Sally McMahon, she has worked hard to see that Brighton and Hove Library Service has survived when many others are failing.
Hove Library has been continuously successful despite repeated leaflet campaigns spreading lies and declaring it’s imminent closure.
Those that actually love the library service would like to see it survive further and continue to last for future generations rather than plow all it’s money into maintaining one building, as some might like.
Libraries must move with the times, support those who need them and enjoy them, provide a place to learn, work, and develop skills. This is something that Sally McMahon has worked hard for, and this is reflected in the popularity and success of the library service in Brighton and Hove.
Anon – American I can see from a spelling – are you a BHCC finance staffer? If so please justify spending modt of the library budget FOR THE WHOLE CITY on servicing the Jubilee PFI contract that built it AND which controls what books are bought for all the city’s libraries?
Or is that her partner weighing in pointlessly?
All councils choose what to prioritise for budgets independent if one another and only civic pressure and a Tory/Green voting amliance can be credited for forcing Sally & Labour to keep Hive Library & to put more cash into the Budget for libraries.
Ànd if it was you put her fwd for this gong, shame on you and think how much more she will now be resented for her disgraceful and not even librarian-qualified occupation of her role.
Ooooo what sour grapes … Sally Mcmahon has done incredible, fantastic work for the libraries consistently with integrity and great tenacity! She totally and completely deserve this award.
Cannott see what expertise YOU have to judge Penny! You are a friend of hers – no better.
Titter. That was SO easy to wind you up. Love it.
Cant you just celebrate the fact someone has tried their hardest in times of austerity? We’re lucky we even have a library service.
ps. sorry you didn’t get elected as Councillor. Next time, hun.
Weird…. Ummm, I did not stand for election. Sally tried hard to close libraries & got stopped. THAT failed.
Why the negativity? Cant you just celebrate the fact someone has tried their hardest in times of austerity? We’re lucky we even have a library service.
We are not ‘lucky’. Its not a lottery!