Neighbours have vowed to fight on as plans for a block of flats in Hove go to appeal.
More than 200 objections were sent to Brighton and Hove City Council, opposing plans to replace a house on the corner of Shirley Drive and The Droveway with a block of ten flats.
At the July meeting of the council’s Planning Committee, members voted seven to five against granting outline planning permission on the grounds that the scheme was out of character with the area and an overdevelopment of the site.
The committee also said that the proposed car parking would result in a loss of amenity to the occupiers of the neighbouring property.
An appeal document from agents Stiles Harold Williams said that the proposed plans decrease the footprint area of the building by 28.7 per cent and the above ground volume increases by only 8.7 per cent.
An extension to the home at 10 Shirley Drive, with a swimming pool, home cinema, gym and spa, would go to make way for a car parking area.
The document said: “There is a significant and overwhelming need for housing in Brighton and Hove due to the lack of a five-year housing land supply.”
“The proposed development will provide for a mix of housing supported by national and local policy.
“A noise survey has been submitted confirming that there is no loss of amenity to the occupiers of the adjoining property.”
Neighbours are concerned that the new building is closer to its immediate next-door neighbour than the current house.
The original house has two extensions, both two storeys high.
Objectors said that the proposed flats would jut out from the front and back of the neighbouring house.
A neighbour, who asked not to be identified, said: “It would take the light from the east and south.
“There would also be light pollution from the stairwell at the back of the house.
“In the appeal they say it is not significant but it is more to do with the suitability of the site.
“It is setting a precedent in the local area. We do not have flats.”
If the appeal is successful then in principle flats could be built on the site to a different design.
The deadline for any additional comments is Monday 31 December.
The appeal can be tracked by visiting and quoting reference APP/Q1445/W/18/3212075.
If the speed of traffic were lower on Shirley Drive, people might be less inclined to sell up for flats? I am shocked at the way it belts along.