A Portslade head teacher has resigned to take up a top job in London, her school said today.
Katie Scott will stay on at the Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) until she takes up her new headship next September.

PACA’s chair of governors Rosalind Turner said: “Katie joined PACA in 2015 and her time as principal has seen the academy achieve a good Ofsted rating in all categories, GCSE results that put us in the top 5 per cent nationally for English and maths and recognised as Brighton’s Most Improved School of the Year 2017.
“Not surprisingly PACA has grown in popularity with parents, with applications for year seven places more than doubling.
“Katie is not leaving immediately and there will be plenty of time for formal thank yous and goodbyes next year but I’d like to put on record our appreciation of Katie’s leadership of the academy.
“The achievements the school has made in the past few years come from having a great team and I know that, when the time comes, Katie’s successor will inherit highly committed staff and a thriving school.
“Plans are already in hand to identify Katie’s replacement as principal.
“One of the benefits of being part of a multi-academy trust is that we can ensure continuity in leadership of the school through Rob Reed’s executive principal role across both our academies in Brighton.
“The governors with be working with Aldridge Education to secure strong leadership for the school to succeed Katie.”
Katie Scott said: “I am immensely proud of PACA’s students and staff and all that we have achieved together.
“I am confident that PACA will go from strength to strength because of the learning culture that now exists as well as the fantastic group of staff that work tirelessly to support our young people.
“My move in September gives me the opportunity to return to London where I spent much of my teaching career.
“But in the meantime my focus remains 100 per cent PACA and the success of our students.”
Good riddance!
This is what really happens under superkates nose….
“I am Kian Williams grandmother and have been witness to what can only be described as an incompetent mess over the handling of a child attending your school. The way discipline is maintained in the classroom amounts to bullying and victimisation by certain teachers to particular members of the class. I have attended a couple of ‘reintegration meetings’ and been to the school on a number of occasions. Nothing is really coherent or followed up afterwards. It is all so disjointed. People within the school do not ring back when they say they will and it appears messages were not passed to the appropriate people. The first meeting I attended with my daughter about Kian’s behaviour, we were told there could be underlying issues and he needed to be assessed (SENCO). This was months ago and we have not heard anything about it since. It seems if anything at all happens in a lesson Kian is always in the firing line regardless of the reason and he is blamed. Others meanwhile do not seem to be punished for their wrongdoing towards Kian. An incident the other day where someone deliberately emptied their bottle of orange squash over him and his uniform, leaving it stained and sticky, was not dealt with by ‘isolation’. Kian has been and continues to be sent to isolation at the drop of a hat. Why in this extremely hot weather, when he has been drinking a lot more and he was suffering from stomach cramps was he isolated for needing the toilet? A basic need? Maybe wrongly timed I admit but surely not due a punishment. He has been called an ‘idiot’ and ‘stupid’ in front of the whole class and told he was a ‘waste of flesh’. The teacher asking the rest of the class if they thought Kian was stupid to raise their hand. Humiliation, name calling and bullying is NOT acceptable from staff just as it is not acceptable from pupils. Does it not actually say In your reception on the screen about Respect for all? No wonder there are cases of self harm and self esteem problems at your school. Surely with all the combined experience of the teaching staff they must realise how this sort of behaviour is demoralising and harmful to pupils at this important but sometimes difficult time of their school lives. Why can they not find better ways to help, not punish? I just do not understand how only the day before we came into the school Kian proudly showed us all his two postcards home and top marks on his report card. What is going on? Everything is conflicting. When my daughter, Kian’s mother, and I came into the school we wanted to find out. Kian had messaged to say he was in isolation and was threatened with exclusion if he did not fill out a statement about an incident that he said he did not witness between two other boys, so he would not fill the form out except to say he wasn’t there (short but truthful), resulting in his isolation again. When we came in and asked to see someone about it we were told no one was available. So we asked to wait until someone was available, we waited from 11.48am. until 1 pm. No one had the decency to come to reception to speak to us, they were aware we were there, standing there with an impatient toddler in tow. It was extremely unprofessional and rude to leave us there so long with no explanation as to what was happening and why. Eventually my daughter asked that Kian should be allowed out as she wanted to remove him from the school. She insisted he must be allowed to come out as no one would come and speak to us about it. She had a prior appointment at 1 pm. We were told this was not possible. We waited and waited. In the end she wrote a letter to the head teacher Ms K Scott notifying her of her intention to home school Kian and the receptionist delivered it to her. Even she did not bother to come out to us but had Kian released. He came out very upset and alone. I really cannot believe how a school can so badly fail a child. It really is shameful and appallingly shocking. I do not consider the school have dealt with Kian professionally or competently. Nothing has moved on since his problems began at the school. As for giving him any help, well that really is a joke. I thought there were people whose job it is to help. He is a very vibrant, enthusiastic bright boy who should be enjoying school, achieving and enjoying learning. Now his enthusiasm is waning and it’s such a shame. I’m sure with the right approach his energies could have been harnessed and channeled in a way the results would have had a positive effect. When Kian left Mile Oak primary school he was full of excitement and anticipation at joining your school. The experience in reality has left him feeling worthless, despondent and disillusioned. He has been trying to work hard in his classes but has constantly been singled out and isolated. We do not intend to sit back and watch this happen and him loose his enthusiasm for learning. We have been extremely and increasingly concerned for Kian’s welfare at your school and the lack of resolve to these problems. I believe he has been labelled as ‘dangerous’ by someone there, this is nothing short of absurd. He is a very caring and sensitive boy, he is also well intentioned and sensible. He likes to help others. He recently helped a girl at the school involved in self harming I believe. There has been a severe lack of communication between your members of staff and the way problems are dealt with in the school. I was surprised to see an Argus award in reception saying ‘ most improved school’ improved from what? One day I was phoned by the school regarding an incident that escalated out of all proportion in the classroom. They wanted to exclude Kian and send him home. He did not have a door key. I could not collect him so was advised that the police would have to collect him. Really? What charge would that have been? He remained at school in isolation for the rest of the day. His crime had been to remove his tie on an exceptionally hot day. Incidentally the teacher that took his tie then lost it leading to further problems for the rest of the week for Kian because he had no tie. I would like to know what explanations you have to these complaints I have highlighted. If Kian has got problems (SENCO) then why has he not been receiving appropriate help and support from the relevant resources? In the meantime Kian is missing important work that he may never catch up on that could adversely affect him later on. It has turned into a very bad situation and I think the responsibility lies firmly with yourselves for the situation escalating to where Kian has been removed from your school. I sent a recorded delivery letter to your board of governors for P.A.C.A. also directly to the head teacher. 13.7.17. I have had no reply from anyone. “
Very sorry to see Katie Scott leaving. She has turned the school around and it is on the up.
My son is having a very positive learning experience at PACA. The school has had an excellent behaviour policy under Ms Scott’s leadership. What a pity those with differing experiences are inappropriately airing their grievances on a public forum.
Russ Walker. Good for you and your son. My son is also having a positive experience and my take on PACA is that it is also on an upward trajectory. I’m anxious that Katie Scott leaving does not change that.
However, bad on you to feel the need to so needlessly and condescendingly belittle Mrs Williams’ experience. Her experience (horrific sounding and no doubt ongoing, whatever the reasons and wherever the faults lie) is as valid as yours and she has the same right as you have to air that experience.
I feel more comfortable facing up to and dealing with the imperfections that all people/institutions have rather than living in a society that buries bad news.
Katherine Williams is not alone in that experience. Pleased to say we are working with people who do want to help now although the damage has been done.
Well said Ben Rogers.