Three homes have been handed back to Brighton and Hove City Council after investigators found “tenancy fraud” was being committed.
A report said: “Three properties have been returned to the council following investigations into housing tenancy fraud.
“This is lower than the 10 properties returned at this stage last year. We are working with colleagues from housing and legal to understand the reasons for this slowdown.”
The report, to the council’s Audit and Standards Committee, also mentioned strengthened controls to prevent people exercising the “right to buy” their council home if they were not genuinely eligible.
The report said: “The Corporate Fraud Team has worked with colleagues from Housing to introduce preventative controls in respect of right to buy.
“All applicants now have to provide additional information to support their application.
“The Corporate Fraud Team then carry out detailed tests to ensure that all applicants are eligible and have a legitimate source of finance to purchase their council dwelling.”
The Audit and Standards Committee, which met at Hove Town Hall this afternoon (Tuesday 27 September), was told that investigators were planning further work looking at historic right to buy cases.
The report also touched on parking fraud, with the council retaining or destroying 59 blue badges, which were meant for disabled people, and five resident’s parking permits.
Tip of the iceberg!