The 81 bus service which links Hanover to Hove will run for the last time on Saturday, before being replaced by two new bus routes.
Hundreds of people have protested against the changes, which will see a new route, the number 18, running an anticlockwise circular route taking in Brighton Station, Churchill Square, North Street, Queen’s Park Road and London Road every 12 minutes during the day.
The original plans were criticised for breaking the link between Hanover and Furze Hill. In response, the new services now also include a new half hourly route 20 from Queens Park to Furze Hill.
In addition, the 21 route has been extended from the Open Market to Brighton Station.
Following a public meeting attended by more than 200 bus users, local councillor Emma Daniel and Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate Nancy Platts persuaded Brighton and Hove Buses to review the changes after two months.
Coun Daniel said: “Residents in both Queen’s Park and Hanover and Elm Grove are very concerned about the changes to the 81.
“There was a packed public meeting with over 200 people who were keen to find out more and voice their worries.
“I worked with Nancy Platts to secure a review of the changes two months after implementation which should give time for people to give the new routes a genuine trial and sort out any remaining issues. ”
Brighton’s bus service desperately needs one that serves people using it for something other than shopping. The fact that most of the services run through the centre really makes it an unviable alternative for going from Hangleton to Patcham, for example. A regular service going through the north of the city linking the suburbs is needed. The 81 was an important version of these services.
Brighton’s bus service desperately needs one that serves people using it for something other than shopping. The fact that most of the services run through the centre really makes it an unviable alternative for going from Hangleton to Patcham, for example. A regular service going through the north of the city linking the suburbs is needed. The 81 was an important version of these services.