The Green MP for Brighton Pavilion has urged the government to treat benefits claimants as “citizens not suspects”.
Siân Berry spoke out during a “second reading” debate on the main principles of the Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill.
She told the House of Commons: “I’ve had so much correspondence on this from people in my constituency of Brighton Pavilion who are very concerned about the sweeping powers of this bill to invade their privacy and treat them as suspects, not citizens.
“I’m talking about pensioners who need pension credit, people who are permanently disabled whose entitlement to employment support allowance is clear and settled, people who are precariously under or unemployed who need universal credit, family carers and people who are simply on low wages where they cannot make ends meet.
“These are citizens, not suspects.”
The government won a vote on the bill – or draft law – which is due to be considered in more detail by a committee of MPs at a date and time to be set.
To read more about the bill, click here.