A pub landlord is making a second attempt to get permission to ditch its distinctive green roof tiles, saying he cannot find replacement green ones.
The Spanish Lady in Saltdean was refused permission to replace the 1930s tiles with brown ones in February last year after councillors said it would be a “loss to the city”.
But landlord Matt Short has applied again, saying he has not been able to find enough reclaimed tiles anywhere, and if the roof is not fixed, the pub will have to close.
He said: “In order for the business to continue to trade it is imperative that these roofs are repaired and tiles replaced.
“This is now a matter of urgency in order for the business to remain trading and we hope you can view this application in a positive matter.
“Following the previous refusal a number of contractors have tried sourcing the green ones to no avail.
“During the committee hearing we were advised by an individual that green tiles are available but this simply not the case on the scale required in this instance.
“Reclamation yards have small numbers but no where near the 140m2 required for this project. It was also suggested that we could source them from USA – this is not practical – no suppliers can guarantee the suitability and availability of such tiles in the UK.
“Without these works the premises will likely have to cease trading and close as it continually affects the trade areas as well as the managers accommodation.
“Constant closures to the public are causing a huge strain on the owners financial situation as well as staff being temporary laid off.”
The application says there have extensive leaks both into the manager’s flat and into the single-storey part of the pub itself.
This has led to the pub, in Longridge Avenue, closing on several occasions.
However, the Saltdean Community Association says it knows of other people in Saltdean who have been able to find replacement green roof tiles.
Chair Fraser Woodward has commented on the application saying: “The distinctive green-tiled roofs of Saltdean are of historical and architectural interest – and add character and interest to our street scene.
“We know of at least one individual home owner in Saltdean who has managed to replace green tiles successfully.
“Given that the owner of The Spanish Lady is a wealthy off-shore company, we reject the claim that it cannot afford to do this also.”
The owner is a wealthy off shore company? More likely they are the freeholder and the pub landlord has a full repairing lease?
Google “glazed green roof tiles”.
That wasn’t so hard was it…
Tiles weren’t originally green anyway. They’ve been painted green. You can see the original colour beneath the laps
They’re terracotta tiles with a green glaze Dave.
Do wish people when they take on promises that they will need to repair at sometime if it is leaking it sounds like work should have been done a whole lot earlier. What has it got to do with me, I knew that roof as soon as l saw the picture as i spent many a dinner time outside when l was young (81 now) as we had many holidays there in Saltdean. I did have a picture of me looking like l had a pint in my hand but it was an ash can that they put on the sun shade post