Brighton’s Green Door Store have announced that they are celebrating 13 wonderful years of spilt Carlsberg, graffiti ridden toilets, moshpits, making friends, creating a community, showcasing their beautiful music scene and causing chaos and sore heads.

This year’s birthday celebrations will happen on Saturday 6th January 2024 from 6pm and will see the venue welcome back HotWax as this year’s birthday headliner! Playing alongside them is a solid lineup of some of the best bands coming out of the UK grassroots scene right now with Mary In The Junkyard, Jar Of Blind Flies and Velvetine.

As always, we encourage you to get down to the venue which is located at Units 2, 3, & 4 Trafalgar Arches, Lower Goods Yard, Brighton Train Station, Brighton, BN1 4FQ, for doors as entry is free of charge and on a first come first serve basis! So expect there may well be queues from the off!