The landmark prosecution of a letting agent for bullying tenants into leaving will encourage more to come forward, the council hopes.
Lewes Crown Court heard he served illegal eviction notices, made baseless legal threats against them and their guarantors and even withheld gas, electricity and wifi.
Now, Brighton and Hove City Council hopes to bring more such cases against rogue landlords and agencies.
Representing the council, Wesley Potterton told the court: “This is Brighton and Hove’s first prosecution for this offence in ten years.
“The council has been dealing with revenge evictions but hasn’t had reports with enough evidence to prosecute for this offence.
“The idea is to look at future prosecutions going forward.
“Hopefully publicity from this case will encourage people to come forward with reports in the future.”
Councillor Gill Williams, chair of the Housing and New Homes Committee, who was singled out for praise by one of the tenants for her support, said: “This is an appalling case of unacceptable behaviour towards tenants in their own homes.
“The council led this prosecution as part of our role supporting any tenants treated unfairly. We are determined take action to protect our residents from such abhorrent harassment.
“There are many decent private sector landlords in the city, but we often hear from residents about their poor experiences and know the quality of management and maintenance is inconsistent.
“We’re happy that the sentencing reflects the severity of the case. It sends out a strong message that we will not tolerate landlords and letting agents acting unlawfully.”
A spokesman for the Brighton branch of Acorn union, which represents tenants of private landlords, said: “We have dealt with a number of cases on behalf of our members against SB Lets, so we’re not surprised that the court came to this ruling.
“We congratulate those tenants and Acorn members who have stood up to SB Lets, as well as the hard work of Cllr Williams on this case.
“However, there is much more to be done. Brighton Council have had an appalling record on prosecuting landlords with only three prosecution attempted in the past ten years, and have still not enacted their ‘zero tolerance’ policy on landlords who break the law, which was voted on by full council in 2021.
“We also urge everyone to take part in the council’s new landlord licensing consultation, as this will shape the future of rental property in the city and help protect renters from further exploitation.”
Knocking out (legally) landlords who behave in an unlawful manner will go a long way for all. Better conditions for tenants, and for those landlords who put the effort in, improve their reputation as decent.
Whilst this is certainly to be applauded, ACORN are correct to highlight Brighton Council’s appalling record on prosecutions. The council have the power and the funding (through HMO license fees) to go after these agents and landlords, so why only three prosecutions in a decade?
Maybe you should raise a question to your councillor to get them to task.
The problem is the Council are the worse landlords with properties just falling apart.
Other than that Lsndlords are just selling up as no money in the business so well done Acorn and Shelter…many thousands of homeless to come soon.
Don’t be disingenuous, Amid. It makes you sound petty. Council aren’t perfect, but they do make an effort and plenty of people keep them to account. You would also do well to be aware of the new incoming legalisation.
There are also some Housing Associations who treat Elderly Tennant’s in supported living appallingly and always with a little of comply or else?? Having certain Tennant’s who carry tails and they are sent to disrupt meetings ..I myself am still in that situation now because I fought back corruption and this is rife here in Brighton in Supported Housing where we are actually treated like we have no brain ..Zena
Nope, you filibuster. Try getting to the point.
£60K is small potatoes to Slick Shadi and his ilk. Next thing on public agenda is the enormous explosion in “Cuckoo” flats taken over by the get rich quick or die trying brigade. If you are aware of these locations you can put details anonymously on Crimestoppers. This sort of scourge needs to be stamped out.
We had almost exactly the same problems with Belvoir Brighton. Brighton & Hove PSH didn’t care about anything. I’m suprised!