A vandal was caught on camera spraying the same tag which has been daubed across Brighton and Hove.
The young man was filmed spraying the BOT tag on a bin next to the statue of Queen Victoria in Victoria Gardens, Brighton.
The still above was posted on Reddit, saying it happened on Saturday afternoon.
On Sunday morning, the same tag, as well as another, BEZZA, were sprayed on new play equipment being installed in Queens Park.
Sussex Police asked anyone who knows who the tagger is to call 101 or report it online.
Councillor Tristram Burden, who represents Queens Park, said: “It’s really important the taggers are identified and the police are aware – it needs to stop.
“We’re going to clean this off ASAP, but the police really need to step in and step up on tagging around Queen’s Park, and especially our new play area.”
A spokeswoman for Sussex Police said: “Any information which could assist in the identification of the tagger photographed can be reported online or by calling 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.”
The Police are no where to be seen . Be like Canterbury Council and offer £500 reward?
Anyone caught tagging should just go straight to prison for a minimum of 2 years. That will make them think twice doing it. There is no graffiti or tagging in central Manhattan as they have a zero tolerance and a severe punishment. Police presence would also help , Brighton and Hove feel lawless
Brighton and Hove is like the Wild West, plod are more interested in being ‘woke’ than actually nicking anyone…
I think at the moment, the police have had their hands with what’s been going on in Brighton, let alone budget cuts over the last few years.
Where do we draw the line on tagging and art, what about banksie
Surely anyone can see there’s a world of difference between what Banksy does and what these talentless little scrotes are doing.
I’m not being funny but there are much much worse things happening in Queens park specifically than some kid tagging a bin. I agree vandalism is wrong – but there are real dangerous crimes happening in Queens park which have been reported to the police and nothing AT ALL has been done. But to ask the public to go on a man hunt to find some kid who tagged a bin is ridiculous when you look at the amount of drug paraphernalia, broken glass, huge amounts of rubbish, and people literally doing drugs next to the nursery – no articles about that though. All these things have been reported to the police multiple times – I’ve seen police walk past people doing drugs in Queens park and just do nothing. But no, graffiti is more dangerous and apparently a worse crime than adults using drugs around children.
Entirely agree.
They care about taggers but not the crackheads? there are children in this park and I grantee you anyone can find a needle, pipe or crack rap within or around this park with no effort, but they care about someone tagging a bin, disgusting and cowardly. You will not stop tagging, kids will grow up into the role forever it is now an ugly part of common culture you needs cleaners and better parenting, not police. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE STABBINGS AND CRACK.
Anyone found in possession of spray paint should be thrown in prison for at least ten years. This is the only way to deter these people. We need to form a citizens army to carry out arrests on taggers and artists if the police will not act.