Emerging from an enchanted forest in the infamous Bridgewater Triangle of Massachusetts in the United States, Trigger Discipline’s Alyssa Gallagher and Jae Yahkèl Estes imbue their own unique artistic sensibilities into apocalyptic doom pop music that is tempered with a grain of hope.
Co-produced, mixed, and mastered by Alex Garcia-Rivera (American Nightmare / Cold Cave /Vundabar), their debut album ‘American Gothicc’ draws inspiration from Vivaldi to My Bloody Valentine, invoking Public Enemy to Prince, Björk, and beyond; creating ethereal “based gothspel” anthems, each track laced with insightful lyrics, spacey guitars and infectious dance beats.
The name – Trigger Discipline – is a lifestyle and a mission statement, where they aim to “confront a devastated world with calculated restraint”, the album’s music and provocative themes navigate existential dread with impassioned urgency and earnest honesty.
Well all of this does sound rather intriguing doesn’t it! It’s just as well that Trigger Discipline have announced a gig at The Prince Albert in Brighton on Tuesday 19th September courtesy of Love Thy Neighbour promoters, so that we can find out about their sound.
Support on the night will come from Polite Bureaux and Baby Hair.
Polite Bureaux formed in Bradford. Broken beat-maker and bass guitarist Joseph Smith set up the band; and after selling music gear to pay for a night of drinking in Brighton, dyslexic Smith started writing a song in the pub that night, on a gas bill envelope – coining the phrase ‘Except Your Skint’. Expect brutal honesty and true energy in his venting. It’s more than just a play on words. Check out Polite Bureaux material at politebureaux.bandcamp.com.
Baby Hair (stylized as BABY HAIR) on the other hand are a female experimental performance art / dance / music / film-making duo from Brighton/ London. Their ritualistic chanting, bells, drum jams, noisy pop synths, violin drones and screaming invoke spirits and goddesses who join them in creating fun, wildness, and joy! Check out Baby Hair material at babyhairbabyhairbabyhair.bandcamp.com.
Tickets for this 19th September concert can be purchased HERE and HERE.
Find out more about Trigger Discipline at americangothicc.com.