There is no denying that Philippe Ducasse is an extremely accomplished mime artist. This story of searching for the meaning of life – a big subject to do without words!! – was absorbing and a joy to see. It was amazing how the story unfolded and was narrated through actions and physical expressions. He had a few good circus tricks up his sleeve too. The things he could do with a stick were really very clever indeed. Three years of circus school not wasted! Or were they? That is the question he ends up asking himself. What is he trying to achieve? Why is he constantly searching for something that might not even be real. Like a frog called Lulu that is always just out of reach and running away from him, frustrating all his efforts to build an existence.
This piece of theatre was both funny and poignant. The most amusing line I thought was at the end when he broke the fourth wall. “There is no wall. I just do this with my hands!” while doing the classic mime artist move of being stuck behind an invisible wall. A good joke! Take that Fleabag!
Keep an eye out for this show and this artist. I hope he returns to Brighton next year.
Venue Details
Rotunda Theatre
Regency Square
23, 24, 25 May 2023, 6.00pm