It’s a Saturday night and Sussex gig goers are literally spoilt for choice as there is so much going on! Picks in the offering in Brighton and East Sussex alone included The Beat at the Concorde 2 in Brighton, London Calling (The Clash tribute) at the Con Club in Lewes, From The Jam plus Buzzcocks in Bexhill at the De La Warr Pavilion, and a most unusual option going down in Hastings literally opposite their pier. Suffice to say our inquisitiveness got the better of us and so we headed out to the furthest away option to take in something rather novel and unique.

Almost every artist and band are at some time or another are looking for something that will make them stand out above their contemporaries and get them noticed and remembered. They are after their “USP” (unique selling point), that will set them apart. East Sussex trio Office For Personal Development certainly have theirs and it’s very refreshing as they think outside of the box so to speak.

I know exactly what you are thinking…..“Come on then, what is this USP!”. Right then, are you ready to think outside the box? Yes? OK then, here goes…….

The best music analogy I can think of to refer you to the cover album artwork of Heaven 17’s ‘Penthouse And Pavement’ below.

OK got that! Now imagine that absolutely everything that Office For Personal Development (OPD) do, they do as if they are a corporate entity, a large business concern, they look the part and act the part! So our concert of choice wasn’t run like a concert as such, it was more like a company seminar whereby they were presenting “The OPD Q1 Performance Revue”. Thus we weren’t in a traditional concert venue like the White Rock Theatre (which is next door) but in fact stationed within The White Rock Hotel.

On arrival we reported to reception and the helpful lady gave us instructions to turn left and then turn right, where we will then be met by an OPD representative. We acted accordingly and indeed were greeted by the representative who was standing next to a large graphic advertising the happening. We were in the right place! We were each given a delegate’s lanyard and instructed to wear them around our necks. One of our party was a little taken aback when I reassured him that we were actually attending a music concert, to which the OPD representative (who was certainly in OPD mode) countered my statement by stating that we were about to be “brainwashed”! You should have seen the look on our colleague’s face! Total fear, as though he was about to be indoctrinated into some sort of religious cult or to be sold a timeshare for an apartment in a warzone that isn’t even built yet!

OPD and their chums (errr sorry representatives) immerse themselves totally within their business world. Their website looks as though it’s for a life coaching company, and indeed in a way, that’s exactly what they are up to, as they hope to enrich your life with their music. They operate under 5 principles, which are found on their website and are quoted to us this evening during their performance. What surprised me was that quite a number of punters in the crowd were also at the same time repeating them. Clearly they have already been indoctrinated.

If you are not thinking outside the box, then you may initially struggle to work your way around their website. For instance, if you want to find out about any forthcoming gigs, you need to refer to “Team Building Seminars”, and if you wish to watch any of their YouTube videos, then you select “Training Videos”. Their “Office Supplies” tickled my fancy, it’s for their merch, which includes a “Limited Edition 3.5” Floppy Disk” and “Doing. Is. Thinking Mouse Mat”.

Are you getting where they are coming from? Who are “they”? I hear you ask. OPD are a trio consisting of Trevor Deeble – Director, Del Querns – Head Of IT, and Jenna Love – Goals Liaison Officer. To you and me that means Trevor is on vocals and compact guitar and keys (for one song), Del (who I recognise from ‘Music’s Not Dead’ popup record shop within Bexhill’s De La Warr Pavilion) is on keys and Jenna is also on keys and lead vocals for one track.

The equipment of choice for Bexhill based OPD this evening which is mainly used by Del (although they do swap “work” stations during the show) is a Korg MicroKorg S Synthesiser, an Akai MPK mini ultra-compact keyboard controller (it controls the laptop I am told), and Jenna has a Yamaha DX11 synthesizer, as well as also having a Korg MicroKorg S Synthesiser, and also a tambourine which is used on one track. Going the whole “business like” hog, their foot pedals and microphone voice changer units are housed within two specially adapted business briefcases. I must not forget to also mention their light, which was housed within an emptied office water dispenser.

With something as unique as this, OPD have not surprisingly also come onto the radar of John Kennedy of Radio X, having been his ‘Hot One’ and ‘Big One’, and have been supported by Craig Charles and Chris Hawkins at BBC Radio 6 Music.

Prior to OPD taking to the stage, the punters were more than adequately entertained by DJ Jonny Head of Spin Morris, who I watched spin and change several 7” records of varying style, but all of them were goodies! Nice work mate!

OPD took to the stage area at 9:29pm and several of the punters standing near the front (myself included) received welcome handshakes from Trevor, as Jenna and Del stood to the rear as the intro welcome message played on the speakers. We were to be played a dozen tunes across their 47 minute set that was to triumphantly draw to a close at 10:16pm.

First up was their 2020 single ‘Take Me Back’, which benefited from an OMD style deep bass synth sound courtesy of the Yamaha DX11, accompanied with the vibe of Mk1 Human League, atop all of this was Trevor’s (higher than expected) vocals. This was a promising start and the crowd concurred…loudly!

Song two was their 2022 single ‘You Are In Control’, which is a Eurodisco corker. It should have entered Eurovision and won methinks! The trio were accompanied on this number by the lady that first welcomed us to the event (not the hotel receptionist!) and another lady, and they threw some OPD dance moves.

Their 2020 electronic single ‘Everything Is Going To Be OK’ was up next, this incorporated the OPD’s 5 life rules into the song. It was a slower tune than the others and Jenna was on backing vocals duty. The chugging beat of ‘Strong Enough’ was next, which I believe is unreleased at the moment. For this Del and Jenna swapped positions, and musically it again sounded akin to The Human League Mk1.

‘Love Me Again’ (from 2022 ‘Invisible To Me’ single) saw Jenna take the lead vocal role, with work clipboard prop in hand she delivered her piece for this electronic ditty, which saw Trevor slot into Jenna’s “workstation” to take care of things. This I felt was the weakest song of the whole set and it’s nothing to do with the change of singer either. It just seemed too safe….Radio Stations with adverts safe!

As far as I can tell, we were treated to a trio of unreleased songs next. These being ‘Best Days Of Our Lives’, ‘Born To Be’ and ‘Doing Is Thinking’. For the first of these, the banging ‘Best Days Of Our Lives’, Trevor went and inspected the office (had a walk amongst the punters). For the second (‘Born To Be’) Jenna and Trevor shared vocal duty, and for the third, ‘Doing Is Thinking’. Things were hotting up (in the office) and Trevor removed his work jacket, and donned his compact bodied guitar, whilst at the same time there were some decent Jean Michel Jarre style keys emanating from Del’s workstation, which then morphed into something like Tik & Tok came out with in their 1982-4 period.

Next up was their only cover of the night, this being the very radio friendly Wilson Phillips ‘Hold On’, who OPD covered on their 2020 ‘Take Me Back’ single. Cue Jenna’s tambourine. Many in the crowd sang along to this and (sadly) was awarded the loudest applause of the night, thus if a poll was taken on our way out up the stairs to ground level, I suspect that this would win. But it’s a cover and for me every OPD tune (bar ‘Love Me Again’) was better!

Thankfully for me, normality resumed with the arrival of the fast and bouncy ‘Risk To Benefit’, which I believe is also unreleased. Jenna was on backing vocals and the tune’s hi-hat encouraged the punters to clap along.

Their penultimate number was their 2022 single ‘Do It All Over Again’, which saw Trevor suddenly believe he was at the firm’s Christmas Office Party and that he had been sampling the bottles on all of the other tables, as a result, not only did he removed his work tie, but he threw it into the crowd. That abusing company property that is Trev! Worse was to follow, as he was delivering the almost gospel preaching style vocals, he walked amongst the faithful, and you never guess what he did next! He unbuttoned his shirt right to the bottom! What on earth was Gladys* in accounts going to say about this, or Muriel* in the office canteen for that matter, and what about Arthur* who is in charge of ordering the paperclips (sizes, colours and quantities), going to say about this? But then, oh my word, Trevor only laid down on the floor in the middle of the (office) punters whilst still singing. This lude act will be the discussion for many a year to come!

The OPD set concluded with Trevor back amongst the fold, a little worse for wear, but still able to work his way through their 2022 ‘Invisible To Me’ single, which has a New Order style beat, to a Pet Shop Boys style vocal delivery. This song even sounded like a swansong number. As the tune drew to a close, a number of previously undetected confetti cannons exploded immediately above our heads. Thus they ended with handshakes and a bang!

This was my debut OPD encounter, there were some hits and some misses, but once you banish your timeshare/religious cult fears away, OPD are a trio that are ploughing their own furrow and long may it continue!

OPD will next be in action on Saturday 8th July, when they will be appearing at the ‘Seaview Festival‘ which is taking place at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea. Also on the bill are Warmduscher, BC Camplight, Pale Blue Eyes, Heartworms, SNAYX, Winter Gardens, Aircooled, and James Endeacott. Find out more HERE.

Office For Personal Development:
Trevor Deeble – Director
Del Querns – Head Of IT
Jenna Love – Goals Liaison Officer

Office For Personal Development setlist:
‘Take Me Back’ (from 2020 ‘Take Me Back’ single)
‘You Are In Control’ (a 2022 single)
‘Everything Is Going To Be OK’ (a 2020 single)
‘Strong Enough’ (unreleased)
‘Love Me Again’ (from 2022 ‘Invisible To Me’ single)
‘Best Days Of Our Lives’ (unreleased)
‘Born To Be’ (unreleased)
‘Doing Is Thinking’ (unreleased)
‘Hold On’ (Wilson Phillips cover) (from 2020 ‘Take Me Back’ single)
‘Risk To Benefit’ (unreleased)
‘Do It All Over Again’ (a 2022 single)
‘Invisible To Me’ (from 2022 ‘Invisible To Me’ single)

The world is arguably now a totally different place since we last had the pleasure of witnessing Battery Operated Orchestra (aka BOO) performing live in concert a handful of years ago. Loved ones have been lost, we have each undergone enforced isolation, there’s a change in the Monarchy, and there weren’t any bloody potholes in every road in the land! Thankfully, some things leave you with a warm familiar feeling and put you in the exact right place where you mind, body and soul need to be!

One of these feel good factors are BOO, who are some of the nicest people you will ever meet! The outfit consists of husband and wife duo Brigitte Rose (aka ‘Brie’ who originally hails from Tasmania) and Chris Black (who is of Scottish heritage).

It’s literally impossible not to smile during one of their sets, as not only do they produce electronic timeless classics on a regular basis, but also their delivery of these compositions is filled with infectious likeability and (adopted) British quirkiness. We as a nation love unusual characters and this evening we get the vibes of Lene Lovich and Magnus Pyke!

Their equipment of choice is for me a little technical and thus shortly after our arrival this evening at The White Rock Hotel (and even before I manage to hit the bar) I am enthusiastically introduced to each piece of kit by the eager Labrador puppy with his ball waiting to go to park, that’s Chris by the way!

I get to meet his Novation Bass Station II Analogue Mono Synth, his French made Arturia MicroFreak synthesizer, his Korg Opsix digital synth, his two Akai MPX8 Compact Drum Samplers, his two Zoom MS-70CDR MultiStomp Chorus / Delay / Reverb Pedals, plus his Yamaha mixer, and his Mackie Mix5 5-Channel Compact Mixer and this is just his gubbins. Brie is in charge of her Boss DR Pad electronic percussion unit (that’s drum pads to you and me), as well as her Yamaha CS01 Mobile Analog Synthesizer which she slings over her shoulder keytar style. Brie is also on lead vocals and hubby Chris assists with backing vocals…..Phew! Did it!

This evening, the duo performed a mere eight tunes from their back catalogue and beyond, which ran for 36 minutes commencing at 8:20pm and running until 8:56pm.

They opened up their account with ‘The Getaway’ which is from their last album ‘Yesterday Tomorrow And You’ which dropped in October 2020. The sound is wonderfully crisp and clear and every word is perfectly audible. The number has a quiet twinkly start before morphing into one of their trademark incredibly addictive melodies.

Selection two is their last musical output in the form of the October 2022 single ‘Nightclub Mishap’. Brie’s lyric style and jerky movements remind me of Lene Lovich and meanwhile Chris feels every keyboard note, as this is evident from his mouth movements and his rather animated keyboard style. Musically this could have easily been contained on Depeche Mode’s debut ‘Speak & Spell’ album as well as an early output from Naked Lunch.

‘Lady Megawatt’ from the last BOO album, is up next and Brie dons her Yamaha CS01 guitar style and they let rip. Chris aids on backing vocals whilst this rockin’ ‘99 Red Balloons’ (Nena) sounding number ramps it up like it’s on steroids. An unreleased number is up next. It’s title is ‘Killing Girl’ and its banging beat reminds me of Landscape’s ‘Einstein A Go-Go’. This has a real 1978-1980 electro pop vibe of a lost or forgotten gem, and yet it’s brand new and not even out yet!

‘Obelisk’ from 2014’s ‘Incomplete Until Broken’ album is given an airing next. I have to say that I don’t honestly recall this track sounding so meaty before, in my mind it is a re-working. The meaty sound is emanating from Chris’ top synth and as he plays it, and adds backing vocals, he is more animated than I have ever seen him before. My colleague noted to me that he’s like a mad scientist…“Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto, you’re beautiful!”. Right before everyone’s eyes, we were witnessing a post-Covid rebirth of a band that had been locked up at home for the last few years and desperately wanting to get out again into the world and especially to play live for people! “Are we not men?; We are Devo; Are we not men?; D-E-V-O”.

Their beautifully hypnotic ‘Unjustifiable Transfer’, found on their ‘TSK!?’ album from back in 2013 was up next. Memories of motorik backing beats such as that found on Kraftwerk’s ‘Autobahn’ always spring to mind when I hear this number. It’s a must leave in the set number for me!

For Chris, before BOO there was Katsen who released their ‘It Hertz!’ album and this evening we are served ‘Where Nobody Can Find Us’ from said platter. It’s filled with short sharp electronic bleeps with a pounding tune atop. Brie’s Yamaha CS01 keytar is given another outing. For their closing number BOO gave us their rendition of The B-52’s ‘Give Me Back My Man’, which to me musically sounded like Depeche Mode’s ‘Photographic’ (from ‘Some Bizarre Album’, the fast version), with almost Arabesque vocals atop from Brie, who was really now well in her stride. “I’ll give you fish; I’ll give you candy; I’ll give you everything I have in my hand” she threw at us with pent up Covid venom. The exorcism had concluded and BOO are back with a bang judging by the enthusiastic applause and whoops from the converted punters! It was clear that everyone needs some BOO in their life! Some newly converted fans headed over to their “BOO-tique” merch stall for a CD or two.

BOO are currently working on their latest album which they are currently looking to drop around October this year. Very much looking forward to that!
Check out BOO on their Bandcamp page HERE.

Battery Operated Orchestra:
Brigitte Rose – lead vocals, synths
Chris Black – backing vocals, drum pads, keys

Battery Operated Orchestra setlist:
‘The Getaway’ (from 2020 ‘Yesterday Tomorrow And You’ album)
‘Nightclub Mishap’ ( a 2022 single)
‘Lady Megawatt’ (from 2020 ‘Yesterday Tomorrow And You’ album)
‘Killing Girl’ (unreleased)
‘Obelisk’ (from 2014 ‘Incomplete Until Broken’ album)
‘Unjustifiable Transfer’ (from 2013 ‘TSK!?’ album)
‘Where Nobody Can Find Us’ (Katsen tune) (from 2015 ‘It Hertz! Deluxe Edition’ album)
‘Give Me Back My Man’ (B-52’s cover)
(* denotes character that doesn’t actually exist!)