One of the founders of Labour Against the Witchhunt has been given a restraining order forbidding him from contacting the Labour disputes team.
Tony Greenstein, who has been dubbed a “notorious anti-Semite” by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAAS) was charged with two counts of harassment, one against the party’s disputes team and the other against one of its employees, Megan McCann.
Today at Brighton Magistrates Court, the CPS offered no evidence on the two counts, on the condition a two-year restraining order was put in place.
The order prevents him from:
- Contacting Patrick Smith – another member of the disputes team – or Ms McCann directly or indirectly by any means
- Contacting the disputes team generally,
- Using expletives or abusive or offensive language in any communications with the Labour Party generally,
- Trying to enter the party’s Victoria Street London headquarters.
Greenstein, 67, of Little Crescent, Rottingdean, spoke to confirm he understood the terms of the order.
The first charge was that he harassed the disputes team in seven emails sent to various members between 5 June, 2020 and 29 October 2020, with abusive, insulted and offensive language, including veiled threats to employees.
The second was that he harassed Ms McCann by sending her four offensive emails between 11 June, 2020 and 29 October, 2020.
Defending, Ed Fish said: “There have been some discussions between the prosecution and defence and the prosecution proposed they would offer no evidence if a restraining order was agreed.
“The charges relates to a complaint made by Tony Greenstein in relation to anti-Semitism investigations by the Labour party and how they behave, in correspondence with the complaints team and he does accept that he did use choice language.”
Greenstein, who today wore a Free Palestine badge, originally pleaded guilty on 4 March this year.
He was expelled from the Labour Party in February 2018 over a series of offensive tweets he sent fellow members.
These included the use of the word Zio, which a 2016 report commissioned by the party into antisemitism said had “no place in party discourse”.
Greenstein, whose father was a rabbi, subsequently co-founded Labour Against the Witchhunt, a collection of former members expelled over anti-Semitism.
In November last year, he lost a libel case against the CAAS who had described him as a “notorious anti-Semite”.
The high court judge said that given his public statements, this was a reasonable opinion for the CAAS to hold.
Good, no place for him in the party or any that sympathise.
Tony Greenstein gets battered, everywhere he goes.
Sadly no, he does that hence the ban order.
Good riddance to the continuing bad rubbish of Greenslime.
This really does seem a vile cesspit today.
As far as I can gather Mr Greenstein was acquitted! That is what happens when the Prosecution offers no evidence. Clearly the evidence couldn’t have been that strong.
A restraining order doesn’t assume guilt or innocence. It is simply that.
Tony is no more anti-Semitic than my next door neighbour’s cat. I remember him tackling the real anti-semites of the National Front years before various Tories and others thought it would be a good idea to label supporters of the Palestinians as ‘antisemitic’. A complete abuse of the word.
Its strange how those who used to argue that the NF and BNP had the right to to hold anti-Semitic demonstrations on the grounds of ‘free speech’ are now all up in arms about ‘antisemitism’.
Clearly Jo Wadsworth doesn’t understand libel law either. Let me explain.
Under s.2 of the Defamation Act 2013 a defendant is required to defend what they say by showing it is true. Alternatively they can say it was just their honest opinion thus avoiding the need to prove anything.
Clearly the Campaign Against Antisemitism weren’t confident about their allegations so they relied on ‘honest opinion’ under s.3
It doesn’t mean that what they said was true and this is just a typical example of journalistic distortion.
fancy that! Let’s see how long it takes for Jo Wadsworth to remove this!!
Tony Greenstein was accused of harassing Labour’s Disputes Team which had driven people to their deaths
Tony Greenstein was found NOT GUILTY of harassing Megan McCann, Patrick Smith and Labour’s Vile Disputes Team but Guilty By the Yellow Press
The High Court ruled it was permissible to call you a ” Notorious anti-Semite”.
On 14th July a bankruptcy order was made against you by Judge Catherine Burton.
This week the Charity Commission removed you as a Trustee of the Brighton Trust.
In your opinion, as that’s what this boils down to, how exactly is Tony, a ‘notorious anti-Semite’? He is Jewish of course, so this should be interesting.