Students have been celebrating their A level results across Brighton and Hove today (Tuesday 10 August).
For the second year, exams were cancelled and the results were based on teacher-assessed grades.
Green councillor Hannah Clare, who chairs Brighton and Hove City Council’s Children, Young People and Skills Committee, said: “We applaud the achievements, commitment and resilience of our all students today.
“They have shown grit and determination in the face on much uncertainty. It is sad they have missed out on some of the fun experiences associated with the end of their courses.
“Staff at our schools, colleges and independent training providers have worked incredibly hard to adapt teaching as necessary from classroom to online learning and to offer a variety of activities to support physical and mental health.
“They have done an amazing job to produce teacher-assessed grades for all students in the city. I’d like to thank all our staff for the outstanding work they have done under the most intense pressure.
“On A level results day, schools and colleges offer support through senior leaders and careers staff. The council’s youth employability service is available on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @yesbrightonhove.
“The city’s new youth employment hub – – will be running a live Q&A, and students can book appointments in the afternoon until 6pm if they would like to see an adviser in person.
“We wish all our students well as they move on positively to the next phase of their lives, either in the world of work or further study.”
Many vocational courses are available locally, the council said, adding: “Apprenticeships offer opportunities to earn while you learn and get a strong foothold on the career ladder
“Additionally, in England exams will be held in October in their normal format. Any student can take one of these exams if they were due to take one in the summer and can use their highest grade from those or the teacher estimates.”