Community groups in Brighton and Hove are being urged to bid for grants for youth projects.
Brighton and Hove City Council said: “Community groups in Brighton and Hove can now apply to get between £500 and £5,000 to fund projects that offer positive activities for young people in the city.
“Bidding is under way for projects starting from July and the deadline for applications is 12pm on (Thursday) 27 May 2021.
“Bids should use recognised youth work approaches to work with young people aged from 11 to 19 (or up to 25 if they have special educational needs).
“Last year Brighton and Hove City Council was able to run over 30 projects through the Youth Led Grant Programme.
“The total funding available from this round of the programme is £110,000.
“Groups wishing to bid will need to work with one of six local ‘lead’ youth organisations who will help with their application.”
They are
- The Hangleton and Knoll Project
- The Trust for Developing Communities
- Brighton Youth Centre
- Allsorts Youth Project
- Black and Minority Ethnic Young People’s Project
- Extratime
The projects must meet at least one of the following needs
- improving young people’s mental health
- reducing the harm from young people’s alcohol and substance misuse
- increasing volunteering and work experience opportunities
- increasing opportunities for young people to participate in new and challenging experiences
- support for young people recovering from the impact of coronavirus
The council’s assistant director of education and skills Jo Lyons said: “Young people have come up with the criteria that the projects need to meet and will also lead on deciding how the funding is allocated.
“Because of the impact of coronavirus we expect this to be a popular fund and it really is more important than ever that young people in the city get the support they need.”
For more information, click here.