The city council is asking people not to trick or treat this year because of the pandemic.
Communities around the city are trying to come up with alternative plans as it’s clear traditional Hallowe’en celebrations would spread
Some people are planning poster trails, with parents giving children a sweet for every spooky poster they spot.
But Brighton and Hove City Council is urging people not to leave out buckets of treats, or to dip into any which are left out, as they could contain a “horror-filled covid surprise”.
And while it says it’s best to get outdoors if you can, people should respect the curfew and head home at 10pm.
A council spokeswoman said: “Much as we all love dressing up at Halloween, we’re asking you not to go trick or treating this year. Now is not a time to take risks with your health because everything we do affects all the people we meet and live with.
If you do decide to go trick or treating despite the risks, please take extra care. Do not gather in groups on the pavement and in doorways or mix with other groups of trick or treaters. Stay in your household bubble of no more than six witches, wizards or ghosts at a time. And keep up social distancing – that’s two witch brooms or six wands between you.
“Tempting as they are, do not dip into shared tubs of sweet treats. You never know how many sticky fingers have been in there or if they washed their hands first. You don’t want to pick up a horror-filled Covid surprise.
“If you choose to celebrate Halloween with friends remember the rule of six and limit how many different households you mix with. Seeing lots of people from different households in a short period of time will increase your risk of catching and spreading the virus.
“You don’t want your Halloween 2020 memories to be a 14-day self-isolation hangover for you and anyone you had contact with on the night.
“If you can get together outdoors, all the better. As always, maintain social distancing at all times and wear a face covering in busy places. If you’re doing fancy dress this year have fun with it, paint some fangs on that mask.
“Remember, not more than six of you can meet and you’ll need to head home by 10pm when the pubs and bars close.”
Other ideas for celebrating Hallowe’en safely put forward by the council are a family fright night or cooking up a fiendish feast.
Most importantly, nobody should leave their house if they have any of the covid symptoms – a cough, a temperature or a loss of taste or smell. Instead, you should self-isolate and book a test.