Claims that a landlord offered takeaway vouchers for positive comments on a planning application are under investigation.
Brighton and Hove City Council said that it was looking into the claims made in comments on its website in response to an application by WSE Property Services Ltd.
It is the second time that the company, owned by John Wright, 48, and Holly Wright, 49, has applied to turn the family home at 47 Eastbrook Road, Portslade, into a shared house.
The company has applied to turn the home into a five-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO) for up to six people.
A previous application made in March last year was withdrawn the following month.
The current application includes comments from people saying that they are WSE Property Services tenants who were offered takeaway vouchers in return for positive comments on the application.
The anonymous allegations were made on Brighton and Hove City Council’s website but, unlike many other councils, the name and address of those commenting is redacted, leaving the system open to abuse.
Two anonymous comments said: “As a current tenant of WSE Property Services Ltd, I have received direct communication from John Wright, the company’s director, encouraging myself and other tenants, who have no direct connection to this property, to submit supportive comments in exchange for takeaway vouchers.
“Evidence of this communication can be provided to the committee upon request.”
The Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, Chris Ward, has asked the council to look into the application after receiving an email and screenshots from a concerned constituent.
The heavily redacted email to Mr Ward published on the council website said: “I urge you to address this matter promptly and robustly, ensuring that these practices are thoroughly investigated and halted.
“Maintaining the integrity of local governance processes is essential and actions like these must be decisively challenged.”
Labour councillor Liz Loughran, who chairs the council’s Planning Committee, said that the council expected people to respond to applications in good faith and took seriously claims of people trying to influence the process.
Councillor Loughran said: “While we do not go into detail on specific applications, we are aware of these accusations and are looking into them.
“Where we have significant concerns over the validity of comments, we remove them.
“We withhold the addresses of respondents to our applications in line with our data protection policies but anyone can comment on an application.
“We also do not ask what capacity someone is commenting as it is the issues raised which matter in planning terms, not who is raising them.
“It is important to remember that planning is not a referendum. Comments received as part of the application process, both for and against, are used as part of the wider comprehensive decision-making process.”
There are 43 objections to the Eastbrook Road proposal and nine comments in support on the council’s website.
An anonymous objector, whose details have also been redacted by the council, said: “This road is a nightmare to park on already and six more adults plus visitors (and) partners bringing vehicles to the road will make it even worse.
“Sewage strain on six adults living individually in a small house will be impactive on the already very sensitive and archaic infrastructure. Not to mention the level of waste and recycling produced and sitting in the street.”
An anonymous supporter said that the proposal was needed for students at the nearby Performers College, in North Street, Portslade.
The supporter, whose details were also redacted, said: “The vast majority of the students at the college are female.
“They are studying performing arts and they are in attendance five days a week, generally from 9am till 5pm each day, often later when working towards performances.
“With a lack of suitable accommodation in the area, they are forced to spend up to an hour on various forms of public transport getting to and from the college. It is these students who are in desperate need of this accommodation.”
Mr Wright and WSE Property Services were approached for comment.
To view or comment on the application, click here and search for BH2025/00230.