A racially abusive shoplifter who was jailed for a series of offences including theft, threatening behaviour and assault has been arrested and returned to prison.
Sussex Police issued a a public appeal on Saturday (8 March) for help to find Connor Godfrey, 26, of Mayflower Square, New England Street, Brighton.
The force said: “The 26-year-old is known to frequent Brighton city centre.
“Anyone who sees him is asked to dial 999 immediately, quoting crime reference 47250043271.”
Godfrey was jailed last year and banned from going into any branch of the Co-op in Brighton and Hove after a series of similar offences.
Today (Tuesday 11 March) Sussex Police said: “We can confirm that previously wanted Connor Godfrey has been located.
“It follows an appeal shared on Saturday (8 March) to help find the 26-year-old, wanted on recall to prison.
“He was arrested by our colleagues Kent Police.
“Officers have thanked the public for their help to locate him.”
The Co-op do enough thieving of their own, with the prices they charge
Love the comment . The police have stepped in attending the co op s now where as before a shop lifter had to have approx £200 worth if goods before police would so much as attend.
Seems it’s all about the money honey.
Someone slap bang in the middle of the Reform, Brexit and Trump venn diagram.
Imagne what would happen if a real crime were happening ? & If someone spotted this bloke & had to remember 11 numbers ?? 🙄😂
Also the co op never used to have any help from police, a SL would have to have £200. worth of stolen goods before police would attend. The co op workers WERE NOT ALLOWED TO PUT THEIR HANDS ON A S L or they d lose their jobs, so they thought, “LET EM GET ON WITH IT”.. I no this myself as I fell into a situation where by I was shoplifting & would often go into the same local branches daily, Fill up & go sell goods, alot ORDERED from the buyer. ” Only NOW” police are always their,, for any amount of goods, , so I’d say that somewhere. Along the lines police have been given a back hander so that The co op s can save alot of money on shoplifters now being arrested taken to court ,Sent to jail or fined .
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime,