The Spiegeltent will not be coming to Brighton this May for the first time in many years because its usual home is surrounded by roadworks.
A spiegeltent first pitched up on the Old Steine in 2004 – and although there were some years in the noughties when it didn’t return, it has been a fixture in its current form at the same location for at least the last decade.
But with the final phase of work to Valley Gardens in full swing, its usual home is out of bounds this year and probably next.
A search for an alternative venue this year has drawn a blank – so the complex will not be coming to Brighton this year.
However, organisers say they hope to return once Valley Gardens is complete – and in the meantime, a smaller venue called SpiegelGardens will be picking up some of the slack.
Producer Adrian Bristow said: “We’re hugely proud of the very special experience we have all built over the last ten years and, particularly with the current economy, we don’t feel Brighton Spiegeltent would benefit from a scaled-down event at a challenging location.
“Although this decision has been made very carefully after much difficult discussion, we are sad at the impact the loss of Brighton Spiegeltent in May will have on our artists, audiences, the team and our creative community.
“We are taking stock and will be weighing up possible options of running at another time of year if a suitable site was available. And we are looking at promoting shows in other venues throughout the year.”
SpiegelGardens, which is being run by the Spiegeltent’s partners Laine Pub Co, will take place at the north end of Victoria Gardens, with two performance spaces and two tented bars.
Ticketed events will take place at the WundaBarn with free live entertainment put on at the Spotlight bandstand. The bars are called SpiegelPub and Greenhaus. The Airstream bar and Boxbar will also sell alcohol, and the WundaBarn will become a cocktail lounge after its last performance.
It will be open from May 2 to June 1. Tickets are available at