A yoga teacher has been refused permission for a large yurt she put up in her back garden to teach classes in.
Sacha Latham first put up the yurt in her back garden of her house in Arundel Road, Brighton, at the end of May.
But when she applied for permission to keep it there permanently, several neighbours objected, highlighting she appeared to be running a business from it and that was loud music was already being played there.
On Friday, Brighton and Hove City Council officially turned the application down.
A report, written by planning officer Mark Thomas, said: “The structure is not considered to be of a high-quality design and uses poor quality materials inappropriate for a permanent structure.
“It is also considered to be of excessive scale and height and would be a prominent addition detracting from the character and appearance of the site and the wider area.
“The applicant intends to use the structure for their personal use, as well as to teach some yoga lessons.
“The applicant states that this would be at a level which would equate to working from home, and that if the intensity of the yoga teaching use were to increase they are aware that planning permission for change of use may be required.
“Notwithstanding this, precise hours of usage have not been provided and, given the insubstantial nature of the external walls, noise would not be well contained within the structure when in use.
“Neighbour representations highlight that there is an existing issue that they are disturbed when music is played in the structure, and this is likely to be exacerbated by regular use, particularly by multiple people.
For the reasons outlined, the development is considered to give rise to unacceptable noise and disturbance to occupiers of neighbouring properties due to an increase in activity levels and noise and the insubstantial nature of the proposed structure.
The Local Planning Authority are aware that the applicant has a sight impairment and that the yurt would, in part, be used as part of their work.
“Change of use has not been applied for, however, so activities would be restricted to usage incidental to the dwellinghouse, which may not meet the applicants needs in the long-term.
“Whilst the benefits of the scheme for the applicant are acknowledged, the disbenefits are considered to outweigh these.
“The proposal would cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the site and the wider area, and would give rise to harmful noise disturbance to occupiers of neighbouring properties.
“In principle, an outbuilding within the rear garden is not objected to, but this would need to be of a higher standard of design and would need to be of more solid structure to prevent harmful noise disturbance to nearby residents.”
“The structure is not considered to be of a high-quality design and uses poor quality materials inappropriate for a permanent structure.”
I wonder what genius professional advised her to submit a Planning Application of her glorified tent as a ‘permanent structure’? It is a Temporary Building.
From web:
“According to official Government guidance, a general rule for temporary buildings planning permission states that planning permission is required for structures that need to remain in place for more than 28 days and/or are bigger than 200m².
Planning permission will also be required for temporary buildings that come closer then 5m to the boundary of your site, as well as those buildings where the floor area of said building exceeds 25% of the total available area on your site. Or, in the case of temporary building extensions, it exceeds 25% of the original building floor area.”
It’s been there since May so the 28 days have elapsed, thus, planning permission required. It’s also next to the boundary, so again, planning permission required. The multiple breaches of the city plans means an appeal is hopeless and only an incompetent, money grubbing adviser would tell her to do so. The council will have to take enforcement action if she refuses to demolish it, otherwise everyone in Brighton will be putting yurts up. I do feel a bit sorry for the lady concerned, but this is a lesson in following the rules and considering others.
So, Yoga.
The art of bringing yourself inner-peace whilst inflicting stress and annoyance on those that live closest to you, without a care.
Sounds like a Green
How could she ever have imagined getting away with this? According to her facebook page, the planning started in March 2021. In all those years did anyone suggest to her that maybe she needed planning permission or to figure out what the rules are? It absolutely beggars belief.