UPDATED: Five men have been arrested and two men are in critical condition after a fight by the border of Hove and Portslade this afternoon (Tuesday 2 April).
Three men have been taken to hospital, two of them in a critical condition, with injuries understood to have been caused by weapons.
Five men, believed to be known to each other, were arrested and taken into custody.
Police and ambulances were called to the traffic light crossroads by the new barber shop HB Barber and the Foghorn pub where Boundary Road and Station Road meet New Church Road and Franklin Road at around 2.15pm.
Police said that they would remain in the area, conducting searches, while traffic is continuing to be diverted away from the New Church Road crossroads.
Chief Inspector Jim Smith said: “A fast-moving investigation is under way into this incident but it is believed that all individuals involved are known to one another and there is no threat to the wider public.
“There is likely to be an increased police presence in the area for some time and I would like to thank for the public for their patience and understanding while this is ongoing.
“Anyone with information is asked to report via our online form or via 101, quoting Operation Linden.”
Initial reports suggested that a fight in HB Barber, in the former Alliance and Leicester building, led to a number of people being hurt.
An air ambulance landed in nearby Vale Park, Portslade, at 2.05pm, according to Flight Radar.
Buses have been diverted away from the crossroads.
Brighton and Hove Bused tweeted: “Due to an incident our route 49 is currently not serving Boundary Road or Glebe Villas. Services are looping westbound down Olive Road and Carlton Terrace then back to Portslade station.”

Awful scenes in the barber shop. Someone got butchered.
Mmm.. fight in a barbers shop.. some one not getting their “cut” I suspect
2 people are in a critical condition ( that means life threatening), and you’re making a joke. Shame on you.
People ??? As long as they are trying to kill each other I’m happy with that. Or maybe you think the fight was about who sweeps the floor ??
Turkish and Kurds having a set-to so knives are always going to be involved! – this is only the start so plenty more of this to come!!
Haha you sound like your grandpa , what dumb comment . You know most fights in canary island are by drunk British people ?
I am SHOOK there is street fighting and violence connected to a barber shop. They are genuine, tax paying and legit businesses…along with nail bars and car washes.
As legit as Phil Mitchell’s chicken shops mate.
You forgot Kebab shops and vape kiosks
You make me laugh brighton is a dump obviously a drug deal gone wrong or the money laundering is gone wrong in there shop
Was there with family today for the first time in a while. My old man even had his haircut yesterday in that very barbers!! Too close today and seeing the claret everywhere and bodies on the deck. Yeah disappointing and disgusting to see.
Sweeney Todd lives!
And they got a free helicopter ride
Something to help you party on the weekend sir?
They just need some diversity training, that’ll help.
These barbers have been springing up everywhere with ‘albanians’ running them and very few customers.
No doubt this will be a drug supply connected incident… No doubt at all
HB Barbers wasnt Albanian but anyway….
I was wondering when this barbershop infestation was going to be exposed? They are not there for a barbershop singing contest,that’s obvious to even a plank of wood!!! Its little wonder this city,this country,is in this state?? We have a vote coming up for the next crime commissioner,??? I’m no detective, or a copper ,but come on you people whom are taking wages to detect,and expose suspicious activity, it doesn’t take a lot of working out why they have sprung up,next door to each other as well ,we do not need a CRIME COMMISSIONER TO KNOW THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG
Crime Commissioner. ??? Where ??
Well we paid them £118k in salary and pension benefits last year so I’d certainly like to know who they are and what they actually do for it!?!
More safety for kids and valunrable people .
Brighton became more dangerous city.
It’s not a joke , they fight for something but hurting other people , shop’s neighbours and everyone around . People should have training and full check before they open a business to trade . City council should think winder and do some licensing check . Landlord should do full background check and reffs before they rent their shops to make sure our city is safe .
Well gone are the days of using fist’s and when they’re on the floor take a step back, what’s going on? And I agree it’s no joking matter, a parent could have been in there getting their 10 year olds haircut, that would have scared that kid for life to witness that. So I think making a joke out of it is in very poor taste.
I hope that this will finally raise a question – how many Turkish barber shops are really needed in one neighbourhood. Every time a shop closes down round here, it’s replaced by a Turkish barber, a nail bar or another kebab shop. A lot of money laundering, drug dealing and modern slavery involved. About time to look into this more deeply…
The battle of boundary road.
My daughter ended up doing first aid on the 2 men injured. No one else wanted to help. What happened to helping one another. Brighton and hove have gone to the dogs instead of making jokes or moaning about it do something about it. Ilived in brighton most of my life until 8 years ago. It’s gone downhill so fast.
Kurdish Barbers. In Rowlands road in Worthing there are at least four within 100 yds. Barbers, fast food, car washes etc. Very popular with this community. Very popular with the money-laundering industry too.
Censorship. This is a country committing suicide.