It has been announced that Gaye Bykers On Acid will be playing a host of concerts over the duration of 2024 and these aptly fall under the title of ‘The Intermittent Fasting Tour’ on account of the dates running from June to November. The outfit are clearly saving the best for last as they will be performing at the Green Door Store in Brighton on Friday 29th November. Tickets for this Brighton performance are on sale already and can be located HERE.

Gaye Bykers on Acid were formed in late 1984 by bassist Ian Reynolds (Robber Byker) and vocalist Ian Hoxley (Mary Byker). They were later joined by guitarist and art student Tony Horsfall (Tony Byker) and drummer Kevin Hyde (Kev Byker). Their first gig was at The Princess Charlotte in Leicester in mid-1985. Since that date they have released 10 albums across various genres including rock, psychedelic rock, hip hop, and grebo. GBOA are clearly an outfit that arguably remain difficult to pigeon-hole and very much plough their own unique furrow. We last reviewed them live on 2nd September last year and concluded our review of GBOA thus:

“I have to say the GBOA fans were fabulous, there was a gathering of fans right at the front with me who did not stop dancing and singing all night. About half way through the set a small mosh circle opened up. There were fans up on the shoulders of other fans joining in with ‘Git Down (Shake Your Thang)’ and ‘Shoulders’. One More Song! To close the set we had an incendiary showing of ‘Hot Thing’ and ‘TV Cabbage’! This almost visceral finale reignited the passion and vitality of everyone in the room, even those who were wilting in the heat! GBOA left us all satisfied but still wanting a little more. Epic stuff, and well played GBOA”
Visit their official website HERE.

Fabadelic 💕