A striking spiral staircase designed as the visual centrepiece of a new Brighton development has become a pigeon roost.
Workers were spotted today putting up spikes on the orange staircase adjoining The Dance Space in Market Street.
The centre, used by South East Dance, is one of several new buildings which make up the Circus Street development.
A spokeswoman for South East Dance said: “The pigeon spikes are going up and it’s being cleaned because it’s a fire escape and so it’s really important that it’s kept clean.”
The Circus Street development, on the site of a former fruit market, was named 2022’s Building of the Year by a top architectural magazine.
As well as The Dance Space, it includes 114 one and two-bed flats for market sale, 28 affordable homes and 450 student apartments, as well as retail and commercial office space.

The builder swapped the artist impression
enclosed spiral to an IKEA job lot….
The whole development looks nothing like the original artists impressions the buildings are to tall and overbearing and the development is too datk and shadowing in the forcourt and a total wind tunnel.
Brighton is growing a real pigeon problem. This is not the only development with these challenges.
Can anything humane be done about limiting numbers?
Unfortunately, an annual cull is the correct solution.
As humane as possible but we need to act as there is no natural preditor keeping down their numbers.
Why should we cull them, they have just as much right to live on this earth as we do?
Just because they poo everywhere doesn’t mean we should kill them, there are many people in Brighton who think nothing for dropping their trousers and shatting wherever they please, should we cull them too?
Voted building of the year 2022, given by a panel who only give awards to like minded people, look at the awards given over the last 20 years to companies who have little interest in the quality of the building including many with ongoing problems. Another system giving kudos only to themselves,
Hideous development, they’re going to cull pigeons because they can’t design buildings anymore, what a joke?! This town is run by utter morons
It’s a pretty good development and not “hideous”, although a bit squashed. Pidgeon droppings affect lots of locations but at least in this incidence they’re doing something about it.
Very true. Once again architects do not not the area or it’s problems.
It’s important to differentiate between the design of a building and the construction process. Architectural design and its execution by builders are two distinct entities. It is not fair to judge a building without knowing all the parties involved and how the project’s expectations change during the construction process. Often, contractors and clients try to reduce costs by value-engineering, which can lead to lower quality results.