Having solidly toured America and Canada throughout October and November to sold out venues promoting their second album ‘Yard’. Brighton concludes the final date of Slow Pulp’s short UK tour which took in Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Manchester, Bristol and London, again all at sold out venues. The wonderful Green Door Store plays the perfect home for this festive treat on what was a rather wet and rainy evening.
Admittedly, I’d not heard of either of the bands playing tonight prior to the tour announcement from promoter Joy. It was one of those pop up adverts displaying the tour flyer that perked my interest, before I knew it I was on Bandcamp and YouTube checking out their music and ten minutes later I’d bought a ticket and ordered a CD. My motto is whenever a band is making the effort to make the long trip overseas to play here in Brighton, well you just have to make the most of that opportunity and not miss that golden chance to hear something new. I am delighted to say it was an opportunity I am glad I took.

Packs are a Canadian group led by vocalist and guitarist Madeline Link, the band originated from what was a Madeline solo project, later turning into a full band experience. They released their first singles during 2019 which attracted attention from Brooklyn based label Fire Talk Records who then signed them in 2021, they then jointly with Royal Mountain records released their debut album ‘Take The Cake’ in 2021. Since then we have had the EP ‘Woah’ and their 2023 album ‘Crispy Crunchy Nothing’. The cover of which features a huge apple that Madeline actually made. When it was released she made sure the barcode sticker looked much like one of those you would get on a real apple for a cool effect. Whilst chatting with Madeline before the set I mentioned the CD had no such sticker, “True she replied, but our debut album CD does have a different sticker on” and right she was. Madeline asked me if I was a big CD fan to which my resounding answer was yes, I have 1000s, she said she is “Looking forward to their third album release in January as the CD is going to be in a thicker cardboard case with a proper spine, so it will be much more prominent and is going to look really good”. I assured her I will by buying it, much like I was buying the other two there and then, which she kindly signed. Commenting on tonight being the last night of the UK tour I asked how it had been so far. “I’ve really enjoyed the tour, but it is tiring after no real breaks, after Brighton, we are driving to London, then it’s a 7am train to Antwerp”. I certainly can understand that, it also made me think of the cost of all the travelling around, the petrol, the transport tickets etc.; this is why it is so important to support the bands and buy from their merchandise stalls. More often than not you get to meet them, they might sign things, sometimes the merch is exclusive and only available on the tour, buy it before it sells out I say, it really can make the difference in bands being able to afford to come back. Talking of coming back, Madeline said they have played in Brighton once before at The Hope & Ruin, but she was loving the vibe of the Green Door Store, “It has a lovely warm and intimate vibe” she added that she was hoping the crowd would be really into their music.
And we were about to find out as at 8pm on the dot, Madeline came on stage accompanied by Diego Parragué, as on this support tour the band setup is different and the songs will be performed as a duo rather than the usual four piece, so tonight we will be forgoing the drums, the bass and additional guitars for a more stripped back set with just Madeline on guitar and Diego on keyboard, along with other tech such drum machine and effects etc.
The first song in the set was ‘Turn The Tap’ from the 2022 ‘Woah’ EP, this was predominantly Madeline playing on her newly acquired guitar “the Lewis Minnow” recently hand made by Dave at Lewis Guitars (A team of passionate builders and music lovers making original instruments for musicians worldwide who are based in Cantley Quebec. Diego accompanied this particular song with subtle organ effect chords.
“We are Packs” said Madeline commenting on how “she didn’t want to keep bumping her face on the microphone” to which she was adjusting to get in position correct at the time. Diego played piano accompaniment to this mellow but beautiful song ‘Don’t Go For The Goats Milk’ also from the 2022 ‘Woah’ EP.
Before launching into their first single ‘Honey’ from the upcoming album ‘Melt The Honey’, Madeline asked “How is everybody? Good? Is it Thursday? We enjoyed ourselves at the Korean, I mean Vietnamese restaurant today, we got fow, food! Argh, I am saying everything wrong, it was tasty”. Perhaps they were referring to Milk No Sugar restaurant, just around the corner from the Green Door Store on Trafalgar Street and perhaps also alluding to how tiring the tour has been so far.
After much applause Madeline said “Thank you, normally Packs is a four piece, but today it is a two piece, this is Diego”, “I’m a mutant” joked Diego, prompting laughter, he continued “I am three people in one” Madeline clarified to all “I’m from Canada and Diego is from Chile”. With that Diego fired up the drum machine and we were treated to the as yet unreleased song from the forthcoming album ‘Her Garden’.
Next up we had 3 songs all from the 2023 album ‘Crispy Crunchy Nothing’, ‘Cheese’, ‘Dishwater’ and ‘Always Be A Kid’ during which Madeline quizzed the audience about the door frame towards the back of the seated part of the Green Door, asking “What is it, is it a doorway that takes you somewhere magical”. These three songs I felt almost Nirvana grunge vibes with the vocals and guitar, not in the loud sense, but harking back to their unplugged performance in the early 90s.
After a quick swig of Diego’s beer “to lubricate the throat” another new one from the forthcoming album came next in the form of ‘Missy’ a song about a cat of the same name, it was a slower more mellow number, with Madeline really carrying the notes to Diego’s piano work.
Whilst Madeline tuned her guitar she referenced the horrendous wet weather outside “Does anyone have any fun tricks when it’s raining to make them like the rain, you know any activities”, a crowd response was “Get the umbrella out”. “I don’t use umbrellas. I find it takes up too many hands” replied Madeline, someone shouted “How many?” causing a wave of laughter, “Well just one, but are hoods not sufficient here?” questioned Madeline, another crowded member agreed to which Madeline said “Good, I have back up” and with that we had two songs from the 2021 debut album ‘Take The Cake’ followed, ‘Clingfilm’ and ‘Hangman’.
The final two songs ‘Paige Machine’ and ‘HFCS’ both come from the upcoming album. The latter being the most recent single release, it’s a really catchy song, which will have everyone singing along “High Fructose, Corned Syrup”.
It was a solid 35 minute set, honestly not what I’d expected as I’d come imagining the full band were playing. I think a full band set up would be a different experience which just goes to show Madeline’s fantastic musical talent to be able to construct and perform the songs in this far more (electric) acoustic style, but then again perhaps it is not so surprising considering Packs did evolve from Madeline’s solo start. It was a calm, warm, intimate show of lo-fi indie rock, one I really enjoyed. I most certainly swayed throughout it, which is a good thing, Madeline’s unique warm vocals keep you locked in a place you just want to relax and enjoy every moment of it. I hope Packs return to Brighton in the future and this time with the full band set up, regardless, I’ll be right there down the front.
Packs third LP ‘Melt The Honey’ is out in January 2024, I encourage you to go and check it out, you won’t be disappointed. Big thanks to Diego catching me before I left to check I’d managed to get the setlist, to which Madeline kindly wrote out there and then. They were really both lovely talented people, please do come back.
Madeline Link – vocals & guitar
Diego Parragué – keyboards & tech
Packs setlist:
‘Turn The Tap’ (from 2022 ‘Woah’ EP)
‘Don’t Go For The Goats Milk’ (from 2022 ‘Woah’ EP)
‘Honey’ (First single from the new album ‘Melt The Honey’ out 2024)
‘Her Garden’ (Unreleased – will be on the new album ‘Melt The Honey’ out 2024)
‘Cheese’ (from 2023 ‘Crispy Crunch Nothing’ album)
‘Dishwater’ (from 2023 ‘Crispy Crunch Nothing’ album)
‘Always Be A Kid’ (from 2023 ‘Crispy Crunch Nothing’ album)
‘Missy’ (Unreleased – will be on the new album ‘Melt The Honey’ out 2024)
‘Clingfilm’ (from 2021 ‘Take The Cake’ album)
‘Hangman’ (from 2021 ‘Take The Cake’ album)
‘Paige Machine’ (Unreleased – will be on the new album ‘Melt The Honey’ out 2024)
‘HFCS’ (The most recent single taken from the new album ‘Melt The Honey’ out 2024)

Hailing from Wisconsin, but now Chicago based, four piece Slow Pulp tonight are performing as a five piece having brought additional guitar player Javier on the road with them.
With all of the band coming on stage dressed in comfy warm clothes I imagine down to the wet weather. Emily welcomed the sell-out crowd with “Hey, we are Slow Pulp and we’ve got songs for you” and the band kicked off with ‘Slugs’ from the recent 2023 album ‘Yard’ – A slow, but powerful song to pull the crowd into what was to be a fantastic hour and 10 minute set.
The band then moved straight into ‘Idaho’ from the 2020 album ‘Moveys’, a great song, I really love the catching guitar riff that carries throughout this song, pulling you along a magical journey, with no break we were then treated to ‘At It Again’ also from the same album.
There was little or no talking between songs in the opening part of the set, as the band leapt into ‘Doubt’ from the 2023 album ‘Yard’, however about a minute into the song, Emily whilst laughing called it to a halt “There is a problem, there is an issue with the guitar. Come on, let’s roll this one back, you can listen to it one and half times”, she questioned the audience “Or shall we just start from the chorus”. The audience did not want to have that bonus extra half a song as Emily was met with a resounding “Back to the start” and to the start the band went. At the end someone in the crowd shouted “Play them all twice!” which did make me laugh.
The thumping deep drums blasted us into ‘Track’ from the 2020 album ‘Moveys’, I really love that fine big beat from the drums and the Lo-Fi grungy guitar during this one, all married perfectly with Emily’s soft vocal tones.
Emily’s guitar went down for ‘New Media’ this one from the 2019 EP ‘Big Day’, with her foot on the feedback speaker at the front of the stage she really went for it carrying some really long notes, utterly captivating.
With her guitar strapped back on, the fast pace of songs continued with ‘Steel Birds’ an early single from 2018. One thing I had noticed is the album versions of the songs have a far grittier low-fi effect on Emily’s vocals, but here in the live environment, her voice carries so clearly with strength and conviction, giving a more pure softer style making this evening a far different experience, but equally as enjoyable I hasten to add.
Checking in with the audience Emily asked “Is everyone okay out there?” Laughing she continued “Is everyone dry enough?, my feet are soaking, I am going to get electrocuted stepping on one of my pedals, but that’s half of the fun isn’t, we’ll see what happens!, if you know this one feel free to sing along ‘Falling Apart’” (from the 2020 album ‘Moveys’). Emily commented after “I love doing that one as I never see people talking about being really depressed, but singing super happy” she then mimicked the audience dancing waving their hands “That’s what it’s for, I love that”, “so we are going to bring it way down, it’s another song about being sad, sorry, but we’ll make it fun right”. And with that we moved into ‘New Horse’ from the 2020 album ‘Moveys’.

Emily exclaimed she has just remember this is the last night of the UK part of the European tour and that she is going to miss England and she is going to miss the beans the most “I haven’t been getting them enough, beans for breakfast, beans for lunch beans for dinner even, do it for every meal and that’s the way it should be”, What with the tour being all about promoting the new album ‘Cramps’, ‘Worm’, ‘Broadview’, ‘MUD’ and ‘Fishes’ were plated from it.
The final song of the main set was the 2018 single ‘At Home’ a slower number to wind us down for the finale prompting a huge applause at the end, followed by chants of “One more, one more”.
Whilst the band didn’t actually leave the stage, Emily said we have two more if you want them, big cheers confirmed that’s what we did indeed want. Emily continued “We have our new album out recently, it’s called ‘Yard’ and it we really means the world to us that all of you have listened or maybe it’s your first time with us, but regardless we are really happy you are here at this show, which is the first time we’ve ever headlined Brighton, so it really means a lot you came out listen”. She then introduced the band members, “Alex Leeds on Bass in his sick hat that he bought earlier today here in Brighton, on drums Mr Teddy Mathews, over here we have our dark hooded figure Mr Javier Reyes on guitar and here is your house DJ tonight, guitar player, keyboard player you’ve got Henry Stoehr, and I’m Emily, we are Slow Pulp and thank you for all being here, this is ‘Yard’” from the album of the same a name”. With the rest of the band taking a rest it was just Henry’s melodic keyboard playing, we were treated to what is a beautiful song.
And for the “for real, for real, last song” we had ‘High’ from the 2019 EP ‘Big Day’, Emily reminded us all that they are coming back next June, “so hey let’s rewind it all back and do it all again much like the earlier song (‘Doubt’) I mucked up”.
The tour continues on for Slow Pulp as they hit the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany for the rest of December, then as was announced by Emily they will be back on tour next summer playing here in Brighton at the Concorde 2 in June – Tickets HERE. Considering this tour sold out, I am sure they are going to have no trouble filling the far bigger venue. No doubt I will go, it was a most excellent night out and two more bands I’ll be clamouring to buy up their back catalogues for my CD mountain. If you like Lo-Fi indie rock, then Slow Pulp will very much be up your street.
Slow Pulp:
Emily Massey – vocals & guitar
Alex Julian Leeds – bass
Henry Stoehr – guitar, keyboard, house DJ
Teddy Mathews – drums
Javier Reyes – guitar (5th member for the tour)
Slow Pulp setlist:
‘Slugs’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘Idaho’ (from 2020 ‘Moveys’ album)
‘At It Again’ (from 2020 ‘Moveys’ album)
‘Doubt’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘Track’ (from 2020 ‘Moveys’ album)
‘New Media’ (from 2019 ‘Big Day’ EP)
‘Steel Birds’ (2018 single)
‘Falling Apart’ (from 2020 ‘Moveys’ album)
‘New Horse’ (from 2020 ‘Moveys’ album)
‘Cramps’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘Worm’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘Broadview’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘MUD’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘Fishes’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘At Home’ (2018 single)
‘Yard’ (from 2023 ‘Yard’ album)
‘High’ (from 2019 ‘Big Day’ EP)
Thanks for actually reviewing bands at live shows! You re the best!!
It’s a pleasure Elizabeth.