Scores of pupils came to Jubilee Square today to join a protest calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The protest was organised by a group called Parents4Palestine Brighton. Its spokeswoman, who gave her name just as Saoirse, said about 60 to 70 children turned up, mainly from secondary schools but also from primary schools and nurseries.
Varndean School sent a letter to parents saying 40 of its students had joined the protest, and warned this would be marked as an unauthorised absence.
#Brighton #SchoolStrikeForPalestine arriving
— Brighton PSC (@BrightonPSC) November 24, 2023
Copies of a far-left paper called Socialist Appeal with the headline “Intifada Now” were being handed out by adults unconnected to the organisers to the children, along with fliers for a meeting hosted by the Socialist Workers Party arguing against a two-state solution.
Tegwen Edwards, aged 14, one of the young people taking part in the strike said: “Adults in power have time and again proved their incompetence and inability to respond to emergencies and life threatening situations.
“We are striking today because we are finished with standing in the margins. We stand with the children of Gaza as we hope other’s would stand with us if we were being indiscriminately bombed and murdered.”
A four-day pause in fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas began early this morning, with the militants pledging to free 50 of the around 240 hostages held in Gaza in return for Palestinians imprisoned in Israel.
Editor’s note: Parents4Palestine Brighton have asked us to make it clear the adults handing out leaflets at the march were not the organisers. The article has been edited accordingly.
Basically grooming children into taking one side over another in a foreign religious conflict.
there was no grooming, i was one of the kids and it was a choice to be there because we wanted to make clear we wont stand by while children are being killed
I’m sure you were
Which ones. The Israeli babies that Hamas roasted in ovens. Or the 80% of children that were tortured 80% and beheaded. They were died with their hands around their back and burned to death. Or do you mean the 30 Israeli children held hostage and no doubt being tortured. You should be ashamed of supporting a terorrist organisation like this.
we don’t support Hamas, you must not know what the protest was about. we stand with the Palestinian children and people who were murdered.
so you feel no sorrow for the atrocities carried out by the Hamas terrorists???
Your comment is filled with debunked information you must have gotten from fake news. Please brush up on your critical thinking skills!
Over the last several decades there have been hundreds (if not thousands) of Palestinian children who have been detained (without trial), stripped and assaulted by the occupying Israeli forces.
Over 6,000 Palestinian children have been killed and we do not stand for what hamas have done but we show our solidarity to the people who are being murdered in Gaza this is not about political views this about innocent children dying
You know,the majority of israeli media is fake,and Israel are lying.Israel literally bombed the only cancer hospital in gaza and your making Israel sound like the victim when they have always oppressed palestine
Even POTUS had to roll back on repeating these debunked lies. I guess by now its’s just the go-to strategy of far right wing, pro-apartheid white supremacists and the like to repeat lies until they become “truths”. What happened on 7th October was a retaliatory attack targeting civilians that is a war crime. That much is true. It is also true that Israel has been committing crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people since its inception. Anyone, including Israeli Jews, who oppose the crimes committed by successive Israeli governments, settlers and security forces is silenced, even beaten and jailed. Israel is an apartheid state that is now murdering 10s of thousands of civilians indiscriminately. Murdering journalists and aid workers. Settlers are already flocking into the newly occupied areas. This is ethnic cleansing by a far right apartheid state. When thousands of children are being massacred, supported explicitly by both government and opposition in this country, receiving millions in weaponry, logistical and political support and other “aid”, you and other people commenting here about disciplinary action against concerned kids, suggesting coercion/grooming by teachers/parents/others, suggesting they are antisemitic or terrorist sympathisers is a demonstration of your intellectual and moral bankruptcy and show you up for the right wing, racist, apartheid, infanticide rationalising bullies you are. Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?
Fr carmen <3
girl rlly thought we were being groomed
There was no grooming so many people I know were there and ot was by will
The children and young people that attended today were inspirational and the passion showed in their poetry, songs and attendance speaks volumes!!!
This is such an important message to be spreading and I personally condemn Any school or teacher who punishes these young minds and souls for what they quite rightly believe in and are standing up for when the people in power are NOT!
What is happening in Palestine and on the Gaza strip must be exposed and stopped!!! If our government. Continues to blatantly deny any responsibility or take any action we, the people must!!!
Keep spreading the love!!!
Hamas are not spreading the love. They are hate-fuelled mass murderers and deliberately expose ordinary Palestinians to violence, maiming and death. If you’re a young, gay Palestinian, you face being tortured and killed. They want to destroy not just a nation, but an entire race. Why are our schools turning out a generation if Nazi sympathisers?
I totally agree and if these young females want a future forget it look what has happened to the women in Iran and Afghanistan
As a young female who actually attended this protest I can proudly say that my peers and I do NOT support Hamas and we advocate for the human rights of anyone. THAT was the point of the protest and I am offended that you can even insinuate otherwise.
But referring to all Palestinians as Hamas helps the genocide go down..
The teachers responsible for encouraging kids to support Hamas terrorists must be identified & suspended.
There’s no ceasefire because Hamas slaughtered 1,400 innocents on 7th October, & kidnapped children & elderly as hostages.
By going on this protest Brighton kids are supporting a vile racist terrorist group who also execute Gays & Lesbians. Brighton has a large Gay community, they won’t like teachers telling school kids to support murderous homophobic terrorists.
Last Updated: 26 mins ago
no teachers were involved, it was a choice from the students
Carmen, you think you understand what’s going on in Israel/Gaza but unfortunately most adults don’t fully understand the complex history of the region and its people and because mainstream news is biased towards Far Left Causes led by Saint Jeremy you and millions of others only get a biased view. I’m sorry that you have been brought up with such a narrow mindset of parents/guardians. I applaud your humanitarian principles and hope that you will use your intelligence to seek out other views, if this is really something you are passionate about for example, try Honest Reporting website.
Clearly, the teachers have no control over their students as they wouldn’t have left school if they had any respect for the school.
That makes no sense
. We left easily because teachers aren’t legally allowed to physically prevent us. I do have respect for my school and am thankful for my education, however I believe that the mass genocide of thousands is more important than double maths on a Friday morning
Carmen my dear. You haven’t read the article before commenting.
I Quote “The protest was organised by a group called Parents4Palestine Brighton”.
So? That protest was still completely the choice of the children, and my friend is correct- there were no teachers involved.
we did not march in support of hamas, we marched in solidarity with the palestinian children and adults experiencing a genocide. i, alongside other people marching are lgbtq+ and do not support hamas nor their prejudices, but we stand with the people of palestine experiencing a genocide. you have it so wrong.
What a shame you didn’t march in support of the Israeli children who were murdered by Hamas. Those terrorists are turning the Palestine flag into a symbol as repugnant as the Nazi swastika, and you are lending them your support.
Hamas and Palestinians are not the same thing, pretending they are is enabling the genocide Israel have repeatedly confirmed they are conducting.
Ignoring historical context and taking the 7th October attack as a random act of terror and again taking the socially conservative nature of Palestinian society and politics with regards to homosexuality out of a context of colonialism and occupation; ignoring the decades long occupation by a far right, racist, apartheid regime in what is effectively the worlds largest open air prison where every aspect of daily life is determined by the occupier; ignoring the fact that “settlers” living in what used to be their family homes are encouraged to beat and murder Palestinian civilians; ignoring war crime after war crime committed against the Palestinian people,
I still wouldn’t be so quick to judge in favour of the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, half of whom are children, or the forced removal and ethnic cleansing of millions of people. I can state with absolute certainty that Israel has killed more gays and lesbians in the past month than Hamas has allegedly killed in the entirety of its organisational history. Also, what could be more racist than cheering on the occupation, forced removal, institutionalised discrimination and ethnic cleansing of millions of brown people? Rewind a few decades and you would be rallying against kids protesting apartheid in South Africa using exactly the same rhetoric. Bravo
If they have to march, couldn’t they call for the release of all those hostages held by Hamas. Hostages who were taken during the slaughter of hundreds of people, including music lovers at a festival. Hamas also oppresses and kills its own people, and prevents them leaving places of danger. These schoolchildren have been duped into siding with terrorists. There’s much to criticise Netanyahu for, and his Government, but it’s not hard to understand why they want to destroy Hamas after the massacre last month just as the Allies had to destroy the Nazi war machine 80 years ago. And now hundreds of local schoolchildren here think it’s somehow OK to side with mass murderers who, like Hitler, want to wipe out the Jewish people.
I really don’t think you know what you are talking about, we are not here for hamas or the Israeli government, we are here for a permanent ceasefire and for the innocent children and people being murdered. We are here for basic human rights for palestinian people and not the palistinian government. If you are associating us with Hitler than I think you need to think about how you could be. The Israeli state is killing tens of thousands of people including over 6000 children. We stand for peace and people
Excuse me? Once again,nobody who attended this PEACFUL protest support Hamas, nor support terrorism or mass murder. The entire point of the protest was peace. This protest was for solidarity of the Palestinian CIVILIANS,not of Hamas. Also, there is a difference between destroying Hamas and bombing innocent people (including children). I’m not particularly sure about you but I believe that innocent children being killed is disgraceful which is why i support neither the Israeli government or Hamas.
Right to clear up the whole thing about the protest some of my friends were at the protest and they can confirm that they were out there with free will there was no manipulation no grooming no nothing and for everyone saying that they were supporting hamas, no they weren’t. They weren’t there for the Israeli government either. They were there for a ceasefire and for the Palestinians being murdered and for Palestinians to have basic human rights. All these stupid comments I’ve seen are from adults and I think its really immature to be honest and comparing children supporting palestine to Nazis and saying they support hamas when you weren’t even at the protest and you have no idea what was said is disgusting.
why you’s hating, clearly none of u actually listened to what the protest was about, this was about a ceasefire between both sides and just overall peace between them.
The protest does not support hamas.
I just want to make this clear. They are NOT in support of either hamas or the israelie government. They ARE in support of the civilians on BOTH sides – Gaza and Israel – who are being attacked by their governing bodies.
They aren’t supporting the homophobic nor racist and Unethical things hamas does, that does not make sense because half of them are gay.
They aren’t being groomed, this was students standing up for their own opinions and showing support, this was all voluntary and definitely arranged of their own volition.
Ahh well, if you’re talking about civilians that’s alright then, as they wouldn’t cheer, rejoice, spit on a young Israeli girl paraded dead around town would they? You may wish to de-propagandise yourself by checking out this poll >>> according to ‘AWRAD . ORG’, over 84% of ‘Palestinians’ extremely or somewhat support Hamas’s sick slaughter and kidnapping. So if you’re supporting the civilians of Gaza/Palestinian areas then I presume you’re not talking about the thousands of ‘civilians’ who aid and abet Hamas, which leaves just 16% – you may wish to make this clear next time although I hope there won’t be a next time for this terrorist grooming of children. I take it you’re aware that when Hamas broke through the barriers (which were in place to stop them killing Jews) on 7/10 that they were followed by thousands of young Gazan men, who then celebrated raping the young women in the Kibbutz.
‘Which leaves just 16%’ . You have the same murderous logic as ISIS. The UK and US public routinely elect and re-elect governments which bomb and destroy Middle Eastern countries. (and btw The Israeli public fully supports their apartheid state and has universal service in the army which brutally enforces apartheid and occupation ) Bombing the civilians of the UK and US or indeed carpet bombing Tel Aviv would be just as evil an act as the current bombing of Gaza is. This genocidal Israeli campaign will only ensure further horrors are committed. Today These kids marched for Peace and justice , not endless war and retribution. You could learn a thing or 2 from them .
The article states clearly that this was organised by a group called ‘Parents4Palestine’, so commenters here saying that the kids did this ‘of their own volition’ and were supporting civlians on both sides are simply being dishonest.
What they hope to achieve aside from feeling good about themselves for five minutes I can’t imagine.
Using your kids for political point scoring is pretty disgusting.
Absolutely agree, straight out of Hamas’s schoolbook
me and one of the kids that went wasn’t forced or used, the strike that took place was mostly organised by a child, like the time and we took part finding people who would like to take part. no one was used we just found an opportunity to express our views
me as one of the kids*^
Inspirational niko. Greta protested (missing school) every Friday for climate change. If I were still at school I would protest for the basic human rights for palestine each week, keep up that good work!
We wouldn’t have gone if we didnt want to?
Bro maybe if u were actually there you would know that the media doesn’t always get it right x this was a student run strike for a ceasefire and peace on both sides. As a student who went to this protest without the schools permission I can tell you now that the school did not in anyway help us plan this. Sometimes kids r just better at actually getting things
You’re getting your information from a news site that wasn’t there nor was added to any other information sites about the protest. ALL of the children in the comments are telling you the truth yet you choose to simply ignore them due to the fact you think children are unable to think for themselves. What they did today was brave and I am extremely proud of every child who attended. a CHILD organised a majority of this protest, and to that 14 year old girl I praise, she is brave and astonishing for achieving so much and fighting for what she believes in.
I truly hope that YOU can feel good about yourself for 5 minutes whilst commenting extremely hateful things about CHILDREN. your a disgrace for talking about children ( who were simply protesting about peace ) like that.
the quote from the 14yr old…. i think you mean 41 yr old parent!!
Just because when you were 14 you may not have had the vocabulary or literary capacity doesn’t mean my friend doesn’t. It’s an insult to her and everyone else’s intelligence that you think we cannot think for ourselves. Once again, we went to this protest of our own accord. We have not been forced, groomed or manipulated into this.
The hard left antisemites were in attendance, handing out their propaganda and message of hate to 14 year olds. We all stand idly by. What a disgrace.
If you were not there and all the information you can gather is from a local news site then I would advise you to shut up, as clearly you have no idea of what you are talking about
if you would like to have a conversation about this situation and why you think me and the other brave children were to be so wrong and “disgraceful” i would be happy to do so however i doubt you have the factual information on the matter to do so in a polite and truthful manner
The BBC has seen and heard evidence of rape, sexual violence and mutilation of women during the 7 October Hamas attacks.
Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners.
Video testimony of an eyewitness at the Nova music festival, shown to journalists by Israeli police, detailed the gang rape, mutilation and execution of one victim.
Videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas on the day of the attack, and photographs of bodies taken at the sites afterwards, suggest that women were sexually targeted by their attackers.
Few victims are thought to have survived to tell their own stories.
Other people and institutions have seen this so called evidence and their analysis is less conclusive than you claim. There are clear inconsistencies and lack of supporting evidence. Basically, in a legal framework many of these charges would not stand. In any case, this is all besides the point. You are rationalising genocide basically saying, “they started it”. Conflating the actions of Hamas with the entire Palestinian population. Does your rationale hold when considering that Israel has committed uncountable atrocities towards the Palestinian people for decades and decades? That all Israelis, civilian or otherwise, are responsible for the crimes of Israel? All Jews? Using your logic equally applied, an attack on civilians was legitimate and no one should protest. Does your logic hold both ways? No. Why not? Because you consider brown people in Gaza and the West Bank to be less than human. Either you condemn Hamas AND the Israeli State or you don’t condemn either. Your views are incoherent but completely coherent with someone who unquestionably supports a far-right, racist, apartheid regime.
All the love and support to these kids who want to stop other children being killed.
Great to see young people standing up for what they believe in. There were many school age youngsters on the 5th November demonstration in Brighton. For those who throw accusations around about how these kids aee being duped, I was a teacher and am a parent. I know how hard it is to get schol students to do something that don’t want to do. Youngsters are outraged at the savagery inflicted by the Israeli state on the people of Gaza. 5000 kids dead already, that’s why these fantastic youngsters came out today.
Yes, vile little terrorist supporters.
The fact that you (whom I’m assuming is an adult) think that it’s ok to call children vile terrorist supporters (when it is quite the contrary) already says enough about your personality and attitude towards others
i would love to hear you reasoning for calling school children including me that never stated that we supported hamas such horrendous things. and for the record my reasoning for attending was not to support a side it was to support ceasefire and to support the lives of innocent people being affected by a pointless war.
You base your whole belief system on a YouTube video? It wouldn’t be surprising. Confirmation bias is especially prevalent in people who express significant cognitive dissonance. You will look for anything to justify your racist views that Palestinian people are less than human. You will ignore the atrocities committed by Israel and condemn the international consensus outside the West that Israel is an apartheid state as antisemitic whilst cheering on the forced removal, ethnic cleansing and infanticide committed by Israel. You will use pink washing to justify genocide. To be honest, I’m bored of people like you. You are all so predictable. You clearly don’t believe in equal human rights, just the human rights of people who think like you and, probably, look like you. These kids protesting on the other hand are protesting for equal human rights, regardless of race or political ideology or religion. So who’s the vile terrorist supporter now?
so why not in their own time rather than getting a jolly morning out of school!
Because it was to make a statement and spread awareness??
Well done to the kids! Amnesty International, Human rights watch, B’Tselem and other Human rights orgs have denounced Israel as an apartheid state. Palestinian children are subjected to brutal occupation and settler violence in the West Bank (where Hamas has no power). In Gaza, effectively a concentration camp under a 15 year siege we have witnessed mass ethnic cleansing with. Israel targeting schools , churches, hospitals and refugee camps , slaughtering 6.000 children and cutting off water , food electricity and fuel in a barbaric collective punishment while our government cheers them on. This is not a war on Hamas ( they will be made stronger than ever) it is a war on children. A mass Ethnic cleansing that will go down as one of the greatest crimes of our century. These kids will at least be able to say they didn’t stay silent.
What a hate fueled rant !
Israel was attacked on 7th October & is defending itself.
7th October will never happen again.
The kids will learn in school that Hamas were responsible for all the death & destruction.
I don’t think ‘defending yourself’ means performing a genocide on the people of gaza
Who’s responsible for the death and destruction?
More than 4 out of 10 of the 20,000+ killed in Gaza were children. Before October 7th, scores of children were murdered by Israeli forces this year.
We all know who is responsible.
7th October will never happen again? Israel’s response and lack of self reflection has guaranteed much worse to come I’m afraid.
i see u ethan
I was one of the children who marched today, the march was for a ceasefire. But of course we were showing support and love for the people of Palestine. For over 70 years Palestinian people have been occupied by the Israeli government. Hundreds of companies stand with Israel, our own Prime minister stands with Israel. When people on the internet such as actors speak up for Palestine they get silenced. Melissa Barrera (main character in Scream 5 and 6) Spoke up on instagram and showed she stood with Palestine and Scream fired her. And said they won’t stand for antisemitism. We weren’t protesting against Israelis and jews. We just want peace and love on both sides. We aren’t just silly kids just having a day off school, we are young adults with voices and we won’t be silenced.
As a councillor in this city, reading some of these comments saddens me as to what this place has become. I am ashamed & embarrassed as to what these kids did yesterday. A day off from school to support a war in another country? Was there a day off for the others. Perhaps teachers should take a day off for the hostages and the families of those murdered. If you wish to do something positive pop over to Gaza kids & ask those nice terrorists from Gaza to stop firing missiles from schools or behind their citizens and see where it gets you.
They’re calling for a ceasefire not war, it’s right there in the title.
Terrifying to think you’re a councillor with that level of reading comprehension.
Wrong – they were calling for genocide against Israelis, with their chants.
If I were a in a position such as yours I would be proud of these citizens. They are speaking up against something that is terrifyingly wrong – the genocide of Palestinians. It is shameful that you are not using your power and platform to speak up and denounce Israels war crimes.
They should be protesting against Hamas massacring 1,400 Israelis on 7th October.
Everything kicked off after that.
It’s a shame you can’t denounce Hamas war crimes & crimes against humanity, which Hamas have promised to repeat.
The ignorance of Cllr Lyons doesn’t bode well for the quality of our elected representatives, albeit that he represents the now marginalised Conservatives who until not so long ago controlled Brighton Council (& also Hove) for over a century.
Is Cllr. Lyons aware that the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have been under occupation for over half a century? Does he condemn as ‘terrorist’ the Ukrainian resistance against Russia? If not why not?
The missiles from Gaza (which are little more than fireworks) that are fired at Israel are a response to massive attacks from Israel, which they politely call ‘mowing the lawn’.
Since October 7 over 200 Palestinian civilians have been murdered by Israeli military in the West Bank. Hamas doesn’t rule there. Daily attacks by settlers on Palestinian farmers are leading to wholesale abandonment of villages as the army and police refuse to protect them. Even Joe Biden has protested against the Jewish terrorists, some of who are now in the government (Ben Gvir, Smotrich etc.) but of this Cllr. Lyons says nothing.
The attack by Israel on the civil population of Gaza causing over 12,000 deaths and probably much more is not on Hamas. They are a convenient bogyman. Not one of those who talk about Israeli deaths has even mentioned the genocide of Palestinians. That is straightforward racism.
It is widely accepted, by every major human rights organisation, that Israel is an apartheid state. This is the view of Amnesty, B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch. E.g. the age of criminal responsibility for Jewish children is 14 whereas for Palestinians it is 12. Jewish settlers are governed by Israeli civil law, Palestinians by military law, over which they have absolutely no say. They live under a military dictatorship.
This is the background to which Cllr. Lyons doesn’t refer.
As for the Hamas attack on October 7 it appears from the testimony of Israeli pilots, Israeli captives and released hostages that the Israeli military bombed its own bases, strafed concert goers and all but demolished Kibbutz Be’eri since Israel’s Hannibal Directive states that it is better to kill an Israeli who is captured than to allow them to be used for a hostage swap.
The fact is that Israel holds some 8,000 Palestinians prisoners who either have had no trial at all or who have been convicted in military courts which have a 99%+ conviction rate.
The school students were demonstrating their understanding of how democracy works by protesting whereas their detractors are the same old cranks who repeat the same old hoary myths.
Those who took part in the strike on Friday didn’t do it t
Lucy, Cllr Lyons comments are clearly an ignorant and hateful disgrace. He is risking the incitement of hatred against children, whose only objective was to call for a lasting peace in Israel/Palestine. But you do not advance the cause of peace, nor the cause of Palestinian self-determination, by claiming Israel “strafed concert goers” etc. That’s just grotesque, and such a ridiculously provocative thing to claim that it makes me wonder whose side you are actually on. Certainly, you would make a better agent provocateur ally for the warmongers than you would an ally for those seeking a lasting peace.
It is obvious school kids are being groomed by adults.
Read the article above – :
” The protest was organized by a group called Parents4Palestine Brighton. Its spokeswoman, who gave her name just as Saoirse, said about” 60 to 70 children turned up, mainly from secondary schools but also from primary schools and nurseries.
The comment by Lucy looks suspiciously like an adult wrote it.
Brighton Social Services needs to investigate this child grooming.
The headmistress – Shelley Baker will need to explain to OFSTED why the kids played truant with unauthorized absence.
Glad to see the younger generation isn’t buying it.
Really sad to see and whilst I did several marches as a student (anti fur, the Poll tax), it was because you felt you could really infleunce something in this country and those making the law. Dozens of school kids bunking off to get together in Brighton will have no affect on a situation thousands of miles away.
I am looking forward to seeing a list if the teachers who organized & encouraged this hate fest protest.
These teachers used young kids as shields, like Hamas use civilians as human shields, by firing rockets from schools, & hiding the kidnapped hostages in tunnels under schools & hospitals.
This was not a peace march but a hate fest aimed at the Israeli people. – listen to their vile sick chants.
You need to work on your media literacy.
Firstly improved media literacy will inform you who organised the event (clue, it’s in the article above)
Secondly it might help you understand your apparent zionist talking points are incorrect.
You clearly have an honours degree in illiteracy !!
Read the article above – it was organized by adults, & when the list is published, you will find it includes teachers.
All my points about Hamas slaughtering 1,400 innocents on 7th October, kidnaping 240 hostages, then running back to Gaza hiding in tunnels under schools & hospitals, whilst using civilians a human shields are correct.
“listen to their vile sick chants.”
You mean “ceasefire now”?
The Argus accurately reported these kids chanting “… from the river to the sea Palestine will be free”.
This chant is “extremely offensive” calling for the eradication of the state of Israel and by analogy, therefore, the eradication of the Jews within Israel”. It is widely accepted to be an anti-Semitic chant.
It is great to see all these young people who stood up or simply showed their attitude against many innocent people being killed. Even better is that they don’t seem like buying adults comments and accusations wrongly twisting the whole picture like the strike was supporting Hamas or kids groomed by lefty teachers. Pupils are a lot more cleverer than them. Go for it!
The amount of people here pretending to be the kids who were on the march is unreal, you’re not fooling any one.
neither are you. Suggest you look out for yourself rather than questioning others’ credentials.
What seems to have upset you is that school children are more articulate, reasoned and persuasive than you in your dotage
I have made a formal complaint to OFSTED, requiring an emergency OFSTED inspection of this school.
The Headmaster has failed in his duties .
Teachers who encouraged this disruption to normal education must be sacked.
Pupils involved must be disciplined & issued with final warnings.
Tax payers money must not be abused .
‘You clearly have an honours degree in illiteracy !!’ says the man who says that the ‘Headmaster has failed in his duties’. Varndean has a Headteacher Shelley Baker, who appears to be a woman not a man.
Thanks for clarifying, Lucy.
I will inform OFSTED to contact Shelley Baker, in respect of her failings as a Headmistress, & take appropriate disciplinary action.
were you born as pompous as you’ve become Sambazza or was it something you acquired on the way?
Thanks again Lucy.
I love you too.
our headmaster has not at all failed HER dutys.