Brighton students teamed up with a sewing school to highlight sustainable fashion with a clothes swap.
The event last month was held at Varndean School, whose students were joined by pupils from Dorothy Stringer and the team at Sew Fabulous.
The event, organised by Varndean’s eco reps and teacher Tim Speller, 274 items were donated and 144 items rehomed, accounting for a saving of around 420kg C02.
Year 8 student Seren said: “In the morning, we waited at the bike shed as people came flooding in with donations, and labelled their bags so that they could collect tokens later.
“Then, after lunch, we worked on looking through donations, noting each clothing item down to calculate the overall carbon savings, as well as valuing them.
“We then hung all the clothes up and made posters, getting the hall ready for when everyone came.
“When everyone arrived, we crossed off their name on our list and gave them the correct amount of tokens, so they could find new pieces of clothing.
“Both Varndean and Stringer students attended, and when people left, there was an out desk so we could note down what they had bought with their tokens.”
It was organised with help from Our City, Our World, a council-funded education programme which works with the city’s schools.
The programme’s Katie Eberstein said “The Our City, Our World programme aims to ensure sustainability is integrated with the curriculum and running of Brighton & Hove schools to empower children and young people to be change makers in their schools, families and communities.”
That’s actually a really good idea. I like that.
Brilliant well done everyone!
This is really great