Another Brighton pub is hoping to put in a roof terrace to help customers wanting to drink outside avoid smokers.
The Hare and Hounds in London Road wants to create a new pub garden for up to 240 people on top of its existing flat roof.
The triangular terrace will be tucked between two pitched roofs, and an acoustic fence built on the third side.
But close neighbours have objected because it would lead to more noise at night.

The planning application, written by Lewis and Co planning consultancy, says: “The Hare and Hounds currently only has a very small outside area that is sandwiched in between the pub and neighbouring commercial buildings
“The area is very tight and means that non smokers and smokers will inevitably be in closer proximity to each other than they may prefer.
“In the post-pandemic climate, there is a distinct trend for sitting outside at public houses. Public houses without decent outdoor spaces face additional challenges over the well publicised industry pressures to stay viable into the future.”
It adds: “Also of note is a recent grant of planning permission for a roof terrace to the rear of The Joker pub, also on Preston Circus. This approval has been successfully implemented, and we are unaware of any problems with its ongoing operation.”
The pub’s owners, Indigo Leisure Ltd, also commissioned a noise assessment from 7th Wave Acoustics, which says it’s expected the terrace will accommodate up to 240 customers.
Using recordings from microphones placed on the roof, it says most existing noise comes from traffic and assuming half the 240 customers were talking at the same time, with background music playing, this would add up to 1 decibel of noise up to 11pm.
It says: “These level changes may not be perceptible by the normal ear.”
Two immediate neighbours have objected. One said: “There is already considerable noise from this outdoor area and during the summer we
struggle to have our doors open as the noise is significant.
“If the rooftop goes ahead the noise will be unbearable and we are concerned we wouldn’t be able to use our own outdoor space.”
Another said: “We have already had to install new windows to dampen the sound caused by the pub and the proposed noise reduction measures are not guaranteed. I work from home and have a concern that this extra noise will impact my ability to perform my job.”
Sussex Police has asked that conditions around reasonable opening hours are included if permission is granted – and has advised Indigo Leisure to discuss the plans with the police’s licensing team and fire service.
How can you complain about noise when you’ve chosen to live on London Road of all places?
As a local resident within earshot of The Joker’s new terrace we didn’t hear about any planning for this until after the build commenced, which was disappointing. Luckily (or good planning?) any noise increase has been minimal and barely worth mentioning.
It’s worth bearing in mind though that 240 customers is a significant increase, and given the direction of the building it’s probably the residents of Rose Hill Terrace that will get the brunt of it.
Let them build it. If you want quiet don’t like in a city. And fyi I don’t really go to pubs anymore. But to have more space where people can socialise and be outside away from smokers IS a good thing
Living in a city comes with communal responsibilities, including being good neighbours (both commercial and residential). That’s the point of planning applications and objections, to come to a mutually agreed position.
Well said
Because some people lived here before it was a “city” very ignorant comment
Maybe they could hire some decent staff while they are at it. Indigo pubs have possibly the worst, rude and unskilled bartenders in the entire city. I wouldn’t mind but wow talk about expensive for a badly poured pint…
The traffic noise and vehicle pollution on London Road is already chronically toxic, so a few cigarette and vape smokers has little effect on air quality! The pub roof garden would help to muffle the incessant screech of passing vehicles, so we can finally hear the other persons conversation without shouting!
Haven’t we had this before with Rockwater? An extra level with no disability access in the plans. Surely this is discrimination and should be denied on those grounds alone.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the smokers at the top as smoke rises 🤔