A homeless man has been jailed after he sexually assaulted a woman near a bus stop in Brighton.
Tomas Branny, 33, an unemployed hotel receptionist, was sentenced to three months in prison at Hove Crown Court yesterday (Friday 1 September) by Judge Janet Waddicor.
Branny, of no fixed address, was sent to the crown court for sentence after being convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in London Road, Brighton, on Thursday 3 August.
He pleaded guilty to the offence at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on Saturday 5 August and had been in custody since his arrest.
Judge Waddicor said that Branny had travelled from the Czech Republic to see his English father in Darlington but an attempted reconciliation did not go well.
His father gave him money to come to Brighton, she said, and there, in broad daylight on the afternoon of Thursday 3 August, he went up to a woman in the street.
The judge told Branny: “You approached, completely at random, a young woman and you spoke to her but she didn’t hear you because she was wearing headphones or ear pods.
“She was wearing summer clothes and you put your hand down the front of his dress. She was shocked and upset by this.
“You managed to take her sunglasses and, in some sort of struggle, you punched her. She managed to extricate herself and had the presence of mind to call 999.”
Giving him credit for admitting his crime and preventing the need for a trial, Judge Waddicor added: “You pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity at the magistrates’ court.”
She ordered Branny to register as a sex offender for seven years.
Chris Harper, prosecuting, said: “He was asking for a hug. She removed her headphones to listen to what he was saying.
“That action turned from an unwelcome approach to something more serious as he put his hands down the front of her dress, grabbing her breast and pulling her dress down in the process.
“She was clearly distressed and jumped away, calling him a pervert.
“He jumped back and said: ‘Call the police. I don’t care. I’m a pervert.’”
Mr Harper said that he had been holding an open can of beer when he went up to the woman.
Tom Nicholson-Pratt, defending, said: “Drink was a factor.”
Mr Nicholson-Pratt said that Branny was a Czech national, with an English father and Czech mother, adding: “He came to the UK in July to see his father.

“He ended up on the street because he didn’t have money to get back to the Czech Republic. He’s looking to go back to the Czech Republic after he has served his sentence.”
Branny had no previous convictions, the court was told.
Mr Nicholson-Pratt said: “Mr Branny went to see his father in Darlington but they fell out and he ended up street homeless in Brighton.
“Drink was a factor. And he appears to have some mental health problems and has a history of depression.
“He arrived in Britain in July and he came to Brighton about a week before the offence after his father gave him the money to travel here.
“His plan is to go back to the Czech Republic. He hopes that his father will pay for him to return to the Czech Republic.”
What’s the odds this piece of filth doesn’t head back to Eastern Europe once he’s served his pathetic sentence and reoffends? The judge obviously lacks empathy to us average folk who have to wade through the copious amounts of degenerate/3rd World scum saturating our once proud nation? Almost as if it’s planned! Deport ALL foreign nationals who have/had committed any crimes, they have no respect for us and all you moronic do-gooders know it.
Personally; people who feel the need to share their racist insensitivities like you Paul more bottom of the barrel than anyone else. Reading the article, this appears to be a man who has been rejected by his father and is unstable because of it, making the extremely poor decision to do what he did.
You are a small man today, Paul, I hope you do better in the future.
Ben, Would you say that if he did it to your girlfriend /wife / sister or any female you hold dear?…yes?
Then you need your head examined.
What are you blithering on about? The beast is a sexual predator and your trying to twist it to be about me because I have a differing view point and believe ANY foreign National convicted of crime should be sentenced and immediately deported to whatever Country they came from? You and your condescending ilk who perversely believe you have the moral high ground have effectively been proven completely and utterly wrong and know we should stop immigration and send the filth home.
Well said, you speak for justice.
common sense . What other country would accept these degenerates behaving like that.? They see us as a soft touch. About time things changed.
His race has nothing to do with it. What you describe is bigotry, nothing more.
A tu quoque is a very weak argument, and one I expect better from yourself. And in answer to your question. Yes, my stance remains the same. Racism is still racism, regardless of whom the victim is.
The crime itself is deplorable, let’s be clear. However, Paul’s comments are nothing less than simple racist bigotry.
I do hope you are not accepting his viewpoint as reasonable, because honestly, my opinion of you is that you are better than that.
He is saying “Deport ALL foreign nationals who have/had committed any crimes”. This is not the same as saying “Deport ALL foreign nationals”. If they have committed a serious crime, which is the case here, then they no longer deserve to be living here, whether homeless or not. That is not racism, but just common sense. And it is the do-gooders to whom he refers, who are largely part of the problem.
He said a lot more than that Hendrick. Strawmanning to defend racism doesn’t make it any better.
He had an English father which makes him a British passport holder and Czechoslovakia is far from third world. I agree though that he is scum.
This is reply to Paul..
“She ordered Branny to register as a sex offender for seven years.”
But surely he should be deported immediately after he has served his sentence, and never be allowed back in this country again. This would make the the registration irrelevant.
Your an idiot Benjamin, arrogantly telling others that they ‘are better than that’. It’s your astonishing liberal viewpoints that need stamping on as we are being overrun by Foreign National criminals who the majority have no respect for our Woman and have medieval view points regarding their treatment/status, you obviously are the type that can’t have offspring so air your perverted views with no understanding of what normal folk care about, ie, the well-being and safety of their children, perhaps, you can emigrate to Afghanistan or Pakistan? No, thought not.
It is REALLY low-hanging fruit when you make a grammatical mistake in the first word of your insult.
And, you’re proving that your ignorance is the source of your bigotry. “Being overrun” by “filth” is not established by any metric whatsoever. Following on with racist generalisation and ad hominem is a well-established tool for those unable to engage someone with compelling dialogue.
For someone who holds their own “medieval” views, you’ve once shown again how small your worldview actually is. So, as I was saying. You are better than that, Paul. I still continue to hope you will do better in the future.