Chief rabble-rousers the Dub Pistols were founded in 1996 by Barry Ashworth and Jason O’Bryan, and are known for their veritable feast of jump-up party-starting sounds, melding dub, reggae, dancehall, ska and drum’n’bass into an irresistible tonic that has seen them amass a merry band of pistoleros across the world. Not many acts stay together for a quarter of a century and still remain firing on all cylinders. But the Dub Pistols juggernaut rolls on, exploring fresh sonic pastures.

The multi-cultural collective has involved dozens of artists and musicians over the years — some remaining for years, a few for the duration, and others just popping in for a guest appearance. Their sound has accordingly morphed a variety of times since their inception: taking in dub, punk, jungle, ska, breakbeat, hip-hop and a whole lot more, it’s been a long road travelled.

Throughout a ten-album career, (the latest being this year’s ‘Frontline’ album – check it out HERE) and literally thousands of shows, the band has rolled with the punches and have morphed into one of the most loved and enduring festival bands on the circuit. Hardest-working band in showbiz doesn’t even cover it.

The riotous mayhem and righteous marauding will be coming our way when the Dub Pistols take over Brighton’s Concorde 2 (courtesy of promoters Love Thy Neighbour) on Saturday 25th November. Tickets can be purchased HERE and HERE.