A Brighton venue faces objections from neighbours over its plan to create an outside seating area.
Brighton Pride CIC wants to create space for up to 100 people to eat and drink outside its Ironworks Studios headquarters in Cheapside.
The application going before a Brighton and Hove City Council licensing panel on Tuesday 20 June, asks to remove a condition on the licence issued in March 2021 and allow customers to take food and drink to the outside seated area from 11am to 10.30pm daily.
Currently, the condition prevents all customers from taking their drinks outside, even if they are using the smoking area.
Changes to smoking areas are also proposed in the application.
A smoking area for 15 people is proposed for Cheapside but the interval smoking area for up to 10 people will be at the Blackman Street exit and managed by door staff.
No changes are proposed for alcohol sales which are permitted from 8am to midnight daily, both on and off the premises.
Nine neighbours and Green councillor Ellen McLeay, who represents West Hill and North Laine ward, have objected to the application.
Councillor McLeay shared concerns from people living nearby who have young children and are disturbed by noise from the venue.
In her objection which had elements redacted by the council, she said: “Noise is already an issue for these residents living (near) the Ironworks venue.
“I don’t see how this will be improved upon from an extension to their current licence.”
The head teacher of a nearby school raised concerns about noise and swearing affecting three of its pupils who live close to Ironworks.
Their details have been redacted by the council but the nearest school is St Bartholomew’s CE Primary.
Their objection said: “They (the children) have already spoken to me about the difficulties they experience as a result of living (near) this entertainment venue currently.
“They have spoken about the times when the noise of people outside or the noise of the music coming from the venue stops them from going to sleep until late at night or wakes them up once they are asleep.
“They have spoken about ‘being able to hear the F-word’ while in (their home) with all of the windows shut, which is from people outside the venue but also at times from the people performing on stage.”
The head teacher is concerned that the noise and late hours are a “safeguarding issue” for their pupils.
Cheapside is within Brighton and Hove’s special stress area, which is where there are concerns about the levels of crime, disorder and public nuisance.
In the application, Brighton Pride CIC said: “When planning and putting together the programme of activities and events for the Ironworks Studio, consideration will be given to the type and nature of each arts, culture and performance event.
“Many of the uses will be as a production space studio for a range of LGBTQ+ artists, performers, and filmmakers to create, make and deliver their respective projects.
“The focus of our venue is arts culture, visual and creative arts offer. Our venue is promoted as a safe space for all but also a safe queer space for the LGBTQ+ community.”
Ironworks already operates a challenge 25 policy and the designated premises supervisor is on-site when the bar is open.
When required after a risk assessment, SIA door staff are brought in to support the on-site team managing the event.
Customers at all shows will leave through the non-residential Blackman Street exit, with signs up reminding people to go quietly.
Ironworks said: “We have recently had a very constructive and helpful meeting with the residents to listen to their concerns and have hopefully overcome any misunderstandings of our plans around the variation of licence.
“We look forward to continued dialog.”
The virtual licensing panel hearing is due to take place before three Brighton and Hove councillors at 10am on Tuesday 20 June. The meeting is scheduled for webcast on the council website.
Why does someone’s sexual preference become a reason for driving a bulldozer through the planning processes. There a many bars etc. in that area already.
Nowhere, including here. But I understand reading comprehension is hard for you
“When planning and putting together the programme of activities and events for the Ironworks Studio, consideration will be given to the type and nature of each arts, culture and performance event.
“Many of the uses will be as a production space studio for a range of LGBTQ+ artists, performers, and filmmakers to create, make and deliver their respective projects.
“The focus of our venue is arts culture, visual and creative arts offer. Our venue is promoted as a safe space for all but also a safe queer space for the LGBTQ+ community.”
We really need to move away from the need to include alcohol in everything we do.
It’s a very strange place for a performing arts center. put some sound proofing in or move to a better location. This site should be commercial premises or made into housing, so whoever signed the change of use off on this one needs their head examining. Sounds like putting seating outside will just create more noise in the middle of a residential area. Hardly a great idea.
Agreed, in Brighton you don’t need to be saying it’s LGBTQ+ in a planning document, it’s hardly an oppressed minority in the city is it.