There’s gonna be loads of ‘Angels With Dirty Faces’ attending the Concorde 2 in Brighton on Friday 19th May 2023 as punk stalwarts Sham 69 will be singing ‘Song(s) Of The Streets’ and will ‘Tell The Children’ that there’s been a ‘Borstal Breakout’ by the ‘Hersham Boys’ as Jimmy Pursey, Dave Parsons, Dave Treganna and Robin Guy are back in town!

‘If The Kids Are United’ and ‘Unite And Win’, then there certainly won’t be any ‘Questions And Answers’ as to whether the venue will sell out, and ‘I Don’t Wanna’ let you miss out on such a ‘White Riot’ of an evening.

Everyone will be gathered together under ‘One Faith’ and be asking Sham 69 to ‘Tell Us The Truth’ that ‘George Davis Is Innocent’.

There certainly won’t be any ‘Rip Off’ or aloofness saying ‘You’re A Better Man Than I’, as the ‘Cockney Kids Are Innocent’ so ‘That’s Life’ guys!

Due to popular demand, they return for select gigs, to play classic Sham and new material, so ‘Hurry Up Harry’ and ‘Jack’ grab your ‘Money’ and snap up your tickets HERE.

For more information on the band, click HERE.