Those loveable ‘Peacehaven Wild Kids’ Peter And The Test Tube Babies were back in action tonight at The Prince Albert as part of their ‘Annual Christmas Punk Bash’, which has become a tradition around these here parts over the past few years.

Their live sets don’t really tend to change much these days, but they know what the punk faithful want and they certainly deliver! The events are spread across two nights, with tonight being the first and tomorrow will see them in action again, but with a change of support.

This evening sees the arrival of mainly Spain based Viki Vortex & The C*mShots and tomorrow will be the turn of local based outfit Skurvi. The lead singer of which is Jimmy Skurvi, who could be heard sharing the airwaves of Rebellion Radio as well as Radio Reverb with ‘The Test Tubes’ co-founder Del Strangefish.

Talking of Del Strangefish (aka Del Greening), last month saw the release of his ‘Jinxed – How Not To Rock n Roll’ softback 360 page book via T & M Books. Such was demand that despite being mailed out on 1st November, all of the 750 copies have already gone! Thus the second edition is on the cards. I’ve read it from cover to cover and it’s basically the bible for every Sussex punk from 1980 onwards! It is well written and is neatly divided into 40 easy to read short chapters. I really couldn’t put it down and rattled it off in three days. We obviously learn all things Test Tube related, as well as legendary rockers Flesh for Lulu, who I had forgotten Del was a member of, during the Test Tubes downtime. That’s not to say that they have ever split up, as in Del’s own words at the preview launch at Rebellion Punk Festival in Blackpool in August, he stated to the somewhat ill prepared interviewer, who had only read the first chapter (tut, tut, tut), that “The Test Tubes are too lazy to split up!”

‘Jinxed…’ was an enjoyable read. Rarely has a book ever flagged up so many ‘nicknames’ in its pages. We learned what became of Trapper, an often cited question to the band. We discover a thing or two about frontman Peter, as well as some insight into the likes of Lily Allen. Keep an eye out for the second edition HERE.

Back to tonight, and first up are Viki Vortex & The C*mShots who are playing the exact same venue exactly three years to the day as they performed here before. They were formed in 2008 in Girona, northern Spain (just south of the French border) and consists of 70’s punk band The Spurts and Viki Vortex. The drummer Theo (aka Anthony Theodotou) also plays for The Long Tall Texans.

In their own words they state that The C*mshots are a “mix the influences of 70’s punk, 50’s rockabilly and any other trashy music they love – basically fast, stroppy and loud” and I personally greatly concur with this.

The trio’s image is welcoming and bright, especially American Viki, who is also a graphic designer, her work includes the ever increasing Cherry Red punk and glam boxsets. There’s nothing dark and goth about this lot! Their tunes merrily bounce along with their shuffly rockabilly style drums accompanied by punk rock bass and guitar atop. You can’t fail to tap your feet, or wiggle your hips, or even pogo and mosh. This outfit is fun!

Tonight’s 15 song 40 minute set kicked off at 8:35pm with ‘Buzzbomb’. Viki has an amazing stage presence with her exaggerated facial expressions as she sings and strums away at her Danelectro bass, this makes the performance great fun. Steve Manuel on Epiphone guitar provided the great raw energy sound and Theo provided the fast rhythmic beat that I always love about this band, although they could have been a tad louder. Second song in ‘Plastic Fantastic’, this one always gets the crowd going with tonight being no exception. No-one would have guessed that tonight is in fact only their second gig in three years! It’s certainly an honour that they flew in to entertain us.

If you think along the lines of the Ramones with a female singer then you are part the way there to their sound. The aforementioned two tunes and the following four (‘Lollipop People’, ‘Don’t Tell Me’, ‘Countdown’ and ‘Toxic’) were all quickies, but ‘Screw You’ had the feel of a proto punk ‘(I’m Not Your) Steppin’ Stone’, after which normal service was resumed.

Another half dozen tracks sped by, including ‘Hypocrite’ which was particularly strong, before they arrived at the penultimate number ‘’Police Car’, which is undeniably their earworm (“nee nar nee nar Police Car Police Car”). They ended with the ‘Grab Your Life’, which was on sale at the back of the room on red vinyl. At 9:15pm they were done. They will be returning to the UK in August to play the Rebellion Punk Festival.

Viki Vortex & The C*mshots:
Viki Vortex – lead vocals and bass
Steve Manuell – guitar and backing vocals
Theo Theodotou – drums and backing vocals

Viki Vortex & The C*mshots setlist:
‘Plastic Fantastic’
‘Lollipop People’
‘Don’t Tell Me’
‘Screw You’
‘Somethings Gone Wrong’
‘Window Shopping’
‘Stuff Your F*cking Party’
‘Cover Up’
‘’Police Car’
‘Grab Your Life’

It’s now time for the headliners, Peter And The Test Tube Babies to grace the first floor stage. The band consists of the ever present Peter Bywaters on vocals and Del Strangefish on Epiphone guitar and occasional backing vocals, plus Sam Griffin Fuller at the back on the stix, and newest member Andy Aggro on Ibanez SDGR bass.

I have followed the band for over 40 years, since the arrival of ‘Vaultage 78 – Two Sides Of Brighton’ compilation album from Attrix Records, which contained their ‘slowie’ ‘Elvis Is Dead’, which wasn’t even the best tune on the platter! The other Brighton bands on that release were the forgotten trio of Devil’s Dykes, The Parrots and The Vitamins, as well as underachievers Nicky & The Dots and The Dodgems, plus future chart-busters The Piranhas. The earworm of the lot being The Dodgems ‘Lord Lucan Is Missing’.

Tonight, ‘The Test Tubes’ 21 tune 83 minute set kicked off at 9:36pm with ‘Keep Britain Untidy’. After which frontman Peter informed us that their set is being recorded tonight as was the Viki Vortex & The C*mshots set. So I’m sure that these will be made available somewhere, sometime. Their set was also dedicated to the recently departed Prince Albert soundman, which was a nice touch!

Next up was ‘Run Like Hell’. I just love it! Del is amazing on the lead guitar and drives the song from the very first note, which makes you want more! ‘The Jinx!’ followed and after that was ‘Never Made It’, which always raises a smile, especially with those that have never heard it before, toilet humour indeed. With ‘The Test Tubes’, you can always guarantee near the knuckle humour flowing out of frontman Peter’s mouth. It’s always meant in jest but is laced with an element of truth. Looking around the packed room, it was great to spy so many smiling faces.

After ’My Unlucky Day’ we had one of their set highlights in ‘Moped Lads’, which is always a valued inclusion, as are the following two ‘In Yer Face’ and ‘Up Yer Bum’. Not exactly cerebral numbers, but masses of fun.

‘Spirit Of Keith Moon’ and ‘None Of your F*cking Business’ came next, followed by ‘Every Second Counts’ which had actually been listed higher up the set, but was obviously changed around by the quartet whilst on stage.

A trio of passable numbers followed in the form of ‘Keys To The City’, ‘Facebook Loser’ and ‘Shake My World’. ‘Facebook Loser’ being about folk continually on their mobile phones, made me a little weary of tapping away the notes on my phone about the gig. But comically prior to the tune’s start, the other band members were messing around on their phones including guitarist Del sending me a photo of his setlist for this review! Also of note, was that Peter’s vocals were actually melodic during ‘Shake My World’. Is he not well, has he been watching ‘X-‘Fuctifano’? Worry not punters as normal service was resumed for the next ditty ‘Maniac’, complete with accompanying pervy gurning face expressions. It was another set highlight.

Can they top that? Well they can certainly equal it with a decent rendition of ‘Banned From The Pubs’, which is amazingly 40 years old, but still sounding great. Sam’s drumming and Del’s guitar work was particularly decent during the final main set number ‘Blown Out Again’.

We cried for more! We got it! In a trio consisting of ‘Elvis Is Dead’, weakest number ‘Hocus Pocus’ (which is a Focus cover), and final number ’September’. I wish they would switch to another glam rock cover, although Gary Glitter numbers are now off the menu for almost everyone! But there’s still Sweet! At a minute before curfew, at 10:59pm they concluded their enjoyable performance, only to do it all again tomorrow!

The Peter And The Test Tube Babies:
Peter Bywaters – vocals
Del Strangefish – guitar/backing vocals
Andy Aggro – bass
Sam Griffin Fuller – drums

The Peter And The Test Tube Babies setlist:
‘Keep Britain Untidy’
‘Run Like Hell’
‘The Jinx!’
‘Never Made It’
’My Unlucky Day’
‘Moped Lads’
‘U Bore Me’
‘In Yer Face’
Up Yer Bum’
‘Spirit Of Keith Moon’
‘None Of your F*cking Business’
‘Every Second Counts’
‘Keys To The City’
‘Facebook Loser’
‘Shake My World’
‘Banned From The Pubs’
‘Blown Out Again’
Elvis Is Dead’
‘Hocus Pocus’ (Focus cover)