The Brighton & Hove News Music Team caught Sniffany & The Nits live as part of this year’s Great Escape new music festival (see below). They have now announced a welcome return to Brighton as part of a select 7-date UK tour. They will be dropping in to The Prince Albert on Monday 14th November. Purchase your tickets HERE. Support bands to be announced.

Sniffany & The Nits are a deranged, genuinely troubling punk band from London featuring members of Joanna Gruesome, Ex-Void & The Tubs. Drawing a through line between the British post-punk of The Fall and the new wave of insolent hardcore typified by bands like Lumpy & The Dumpers, The Nits have developed a knack for writing unhinged punk earworms.

But it’s Sister Sniffany, and her singular lyrical and performance style, who elevates the band beyond the sum of their influences. Her lyrics inhabit the same world as her ‘macabre, visceral’ cartoons – a world of hidden humiliations, girl abjection, crumpled lager cans, clam chowder and lumpy, over-stuffed dollies. Over the course of ‘The Unscratchable Itch‘ album, Sniffany ventriloquises a cast of pathetic, unbalanced characters: A secretarial administer tails her Casanova husband to a suburban swingers party: “I can smell him from here: a mix of vaseline, foot cream and Stella beer”. A poor old grandmother’s glasses fog up as she chastises her granddaughter: “You self entitled selfish little tw*t! / Left me to die in a popcorn-walled flat! /Spotty little smelly little pr*ck! / Making your poor grandmother sick!”
Check out Sniffany & The Nits latest album ‘The Unscratchable Itch’ on their Bandcamp page HERE.