The Labour Party has expelled two Brighton and Hove councillors.

The pair are Nick Childs, who represents Queen’s Park ward on Brighton and Hove City Council, and Anne Pissaridou, who represents North Portslade.
Councillor Pissaridou was already sitting as an Independent, having been readmitted some months ago to the Labour group of councillors after a previous suspension.
Councillor Childs was still listed as a Labour councillor on the council’s website this afternoon (Thursday 4 August).
It is understood that both were expelled from the party for belonging to a proscribed organisation.
Councillor Pissaridou said: “I am taking legal advice in respect of appealing the decision and do not have any further comment to make at this time.”
Councillor Childs could not be reached for comment.
Both were elected in May 2019 although Councillor Pissaridou previously served as a councillor for Wish ward in Hove for four years from 2011 to 2015.
* After this story was published Councillor Childs responded on Facebook. He wrote: “It is with great sadness that I have to report that I have been expelled from the Labour Party of which I have been a member for 31 years.
“The purported reason is that I liked a Facebook group that was apparently linked to a proscribed left-wing organisation.
“I was unaware of the group, its existence and I am certainly not a member, nor supporter, of this or any other faction.
“The real reason for my expulsion is, I suspect, that I am a democratic socialist and environmentalist who refuses to toe the party line when it comes to inequality and climate change and representing my residents.
“I will post a full statement in due course.
“You can keep contacting me about local issues as I intend to remain a councillor working my hardest, as always, for the ward of Queen’s Park that I love so much.”
“belonging to a proscribed organisation”… which one this time?? Will the Labour party in this city ever come clean? Things are prety bad when labour supporters cannot support their own local council… time for a clear out.
I imagine it is something related to Israel and Palestine rather than the Tufty Club 😉
Excellent news showing Childs the door. Now let’s get rid of the rest of the Hadfield and Momentum infiltrators. And then we can put up a proper Labour Party slate for the next elections.
An awful lot of work and effort has gone into revealing what the likes of Childs and Co. were up to. Let’s finish the job!
Good riddance – a few more need looking at too. The national party really needs to get a grip on the local party if its to be at all affective at next years local elections.
You having a laugh. the 2015 lot was awful. Meadows is now a Tory. do one! the party is a joke.
As opposed to the 2019 lot? One cllr suspended then expelled, a further two left before they could be pushed for actual antisemitism. One sent his daughter to Roedean whilst proclaiming actual socialist credentials. Labour is better off without them.
Is that the same Anne meadows that you attacked Dan ? Still doing it then I see…
Can somebody please recommend a decent plumber to the local Labour Group.
I think the national Labour Party has enough on its plate trying to find a policy than witch hunting councillors who were democratically elected by the city’s electorate.
They are still councillors.
Being expelled from the Labour Group does not affect that.
…. and they will probably still align with the Labour Party’s policies most of the time, so no real difference.
But did the electorate know they were part of proscribed organisations when they voted for them?
Anyway we can all decide whether we keep them next year based upon what they did for their wards 😊
Watchout Anne – she just gave us cycle lanes and weeds on pavements.
Just so everyone knows … this is part of a dishonest campaign by Keir Starmer and other unpleasant individuals who want to remove decent people from the Labour Party.
Nick Child’s posted on one occasion to a socialist Facebook group. There was nothing wrong with the group, it was a socialist group. However, Keir Starmer seeks to take Labour to the right of the Tories.
So Starmer banned the group in question. He did that AFTER people like Nick had posted to a Facebook group. He then applied the rules RETROSPECTIVELY – so even though you’d posted prior to the ban you could be expelled.
People outside Labour don’t know how deeply unpleasant and dishonest Keir Starmer is. Nor do they know how awful his supporters are.
Bear in mind the main adviser to Starmer (Peter Mandelson) was twice removed from Labour for fraud (but reinstalled by Starmer), has Russian oligarchs as friends and was a friend of child sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghiselle Maxwell. Labour is far worse and far more dishonest than the Tories.
You could not make it up🤦♂️
I read elsewhere Nick was expelled as he liked a Facebook post where the group had links to a ‘prescribed’ organisation, this is not the same as belonging to. We all ‘like’ posts all the time, do we always check out everything before we do so? No
This is true. It’s part of a dishonest campaign by Labour leadership to smear very good people and replace them with some of the worst people in Brighton. Labour is infested with people who think having someone like Peter Mandelson (twice removed from Labour for fraud and friend of child sexual traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghisile Maxwell) is fine.
Just so everyone knows … this is part of a dishonest campaign by Keir Starmer and other unpleasant individuals who want to remove decent people from the Labour Party.
Nick Child’s posted on one occasion to a socialist Facebook group. There was nothing wrong with the group, it was a socialist group. However, Keir Starmer seeks to take Labour to the right of the Tories.
So Starmer banned the group in question. He did that AFTER people like Nick had posted to a Facebook group. He then applied the rules RETROSPECTIVELY – so even though you’d posted prior to the ban you could be expelled.
People outside Labour don’t know how deeply unpleasant and dishonest Keir Starmer is. Nor do they know how awful his supporters are.
Bear in mind the main adviser to Starmer (Peter Mandelson) was twice removed from Labour for fraud (but reinstalled by Starmer), has Russian oligarchs as friends and was a friend of child sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghiselle Maxwell. Labour is far worse and far more dishonest than the Tories.
He should have no place in any mainstream political party.
This is a dishonest war by a dishonest leader on good people within the Labour Party … Keir Starmer is a fraud and a liar and widely hated within the Labour Party.
Peter Kyle MP is a great supporter of Keir Starmer.
Neither Anne nor Nick have done anything to deserve expulsion. They’re good people who’ve only helped people.
The Labour Party is a horrible racist party. It’s senior adviser (Peter Mandelson) is a man who was twice removed from Labour because of fraud. He was brought back by the dishonest Keir Starmer.
Mandelson is the puppet controller. He’s a friend of Russian oligarchs and child sex traffickers.
I wonder if the BH News will ever report why the Labour Party is expelling good people ?
Nick Child’s – the firebrand socialist with a daughter at Roedean
A fish rots from the head down …..
“ Sir Keir Starmer has been found to have
breached the MPs’ code of conduct by
failing to register eight separate interests
on time, including gifts from football
teams, the sale of a plot of land, and a five-
figure book advance.”
If Labour are going to expel Labour councillors then they have a duty to explain why to the constituents who voted for those councillors. IMO
But TBF there is Tory councillor who has left the Tory party with out explanation
At last an effort has been made to free the local Labour party from the Momentum nutjobs.
early Panto Time with early learning child reading lessons on top
Excellent news….and finally! The clean up of anti Semites and extremists in Brighton and Hove Labour Party is starting to show results: remember, it was this sordid lot who were responsible for Labour losing biggest party status on the council and having to hand it over to the Greens. Well done Keir – more please!
This is a dishonest war by a dishonest leader on good people within the Labour Party … Keir Starmer is a fraud and a liar and widely hated within the Labour Party.
Peter Kyle MP is a great supporter of Keir Starmer.
Neither Anne nor Nick have done anything to deserve expulsion. They’re good people who’ve only helped people.
The Labour Party is a horrible racist party. It’s senior adviser (Peter Mandelson) is a man who was twice removed from Labour because of fraud. He was brought back by the dishonest Keir Starmer.
Mandelson is the puppet controller. He’s a friend of Russian oligarchs and child sex traffickers.
I wonder if the BH News will ever report why the Labour Party is expelling good people ?