Neighbours have objected to a new deli owner’s application for a drinks licence.
Jump’s Delicatessen, in Richardson Road, Hove, is due to open in the old Curiosity Kitchen premises, next to Drury Tea and Coffee.
The owner, chef Vanessa Forder-Hogg, 53, of Langdale Road, Hove, has applied for a premises licence to serve wine by the glass, with food, from noon to 7pm Monday to Saturday.
A report by Brighton and Hove City Council licensing officials said that Jump’s Delicatessen had no plans to sell takeaway drinks.
Customers would sit at two tables outside the front of the premises or three tables inside, each with four seats.
The application named Simon Andrews as the designated premises supervisor, the person with day-to-day responsibility for alcohol.
Four neighbours have formally objected to the licence application, raising concerns about the business hours stretching into the evening.
The proposed trading hours do not breach the council’s licensing policy but the objections mean that the application must be decided by a licensing panel, made up of three councillors.
One of the objectors, whose details were redacted on the council’s website, said: “The granting of this licence has the potential to introduce a night-time economy to the road by stealth to the detriment of its residents.
“The property is neighboured and overlooked by many residential properties and gardens, and the playing of music into the evening will be a nuisance to these people, particularly in the summer months when people have to have their windows open.”
Another objector, whose details were also redacted by the council, said: “By allowing Jump’s Delicatessen Ltd to sell alcohol by the glass till 7pm, the café will increase people and vehicle traffic, affecting the local community.
“It will create incidents under alcohol influence and decrease safety for local adult residents, children and pets.
“Last orders taken by 7pm do not mean café guests will finish their drinking by 7pm.”
The council licensing panel hearing is due to start at 10am next Monday (16 May) and is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.
Are we surprised, Richardson Road residents generally object to everything.
Richardsson road is a wonderful little shopping area for locals it is sad that people are objecting to someone making a living and allowing a local place where people can get a glass of wine . Most shoppers in that area are mature and sensible as well as sensitive to the needs of the neighbours.
It’s a deli that offers a glass of wine,it’s closure is 7pm what are people afraid of.this would be common practice around europe, but the typical British attitude ,if it involves alcohol that means drunken social behaviour, noise and traffic problems 😂 traffic problems in Richardson Rd ….really! Embrace culture and let Richardson Rd become a (yet small)thriving hub
Good luck to the new proprietor
Well said Paul. Do they really think people that go into a deli and have a small glass of wine will cause trouble, what extra traffic. its for local people who use the road anyway. Usual British small mindedness.
It’s a shame they don’t have some of the Rockwater stalwarts to plead their case. I think it will be a great addition. It was hard for the previous owners to compete with Drurys but this extra incentive should help the new owners to be successful.
I live 100 yards away and want to support the application, it is very modest and will benefit the area. How can supportive residents make our voices heard?