The Divine Comedy were back again at the Brighton Dome to promote their new and second greatest hits album that they have put out since 1990. The album ‘Charmed Life – The Best Of The Divine Comedy’ was released in February this year. Regular visitors to Brighton, I think this is probably the third time I have seen them live at this venue. Last time the band were here was on 16th October 2019 when promoting the ‘Office Politics’ album, which was reviewed then by the Brighton And Hove News team – Read it HERE.

Tonight’s show was a 23 song greatest hits set from their extensive back catalogue. A stark stage with just some stand alone lights to add some tone. The band came onstage at 8:40pm to the sound of the old Pearl & Dean ‘Asteroid’ tune, to huge applause from the sell out Dome crowd.

Starting the set with ‘Absent Friends’, they moved quickly through the gears jumping between their many hits in the first part of the set. My personal highlight was ‘Bad Ambassador’ from their ‘Regeneration’ album released in 2001. This took me back to a great night when they played the Brixton Academy in their full on indie period of their career. Neil Hannon really seems to be the Benjamin Button of pop, never ageing and always sharp suited, apart from when promoting the ‘Foreverland’ album when he dressed as Napoleon for each gig!.

The first part of the set ended with ‘Something For The Weekend’ which finally got the crowd out of their seats and dancing in the aisles. A short interval followed, Neil encouraged the crowd to go get a Mojito from the bar, his stage drink of choice for the evening.

The hits kept coming in the second half and Neil told a nice story about coming down to Brighton a day early so the band could go and see Blondie at the Brighton Centre on Wednesday night (Review HERE) and how the spirit of Clem Burke had infused Tim the drummer who launched into a quick drum solo.

My favourite song of part 2 was ‘Norma & Norman’, a single from their last album ‘Office Politics’. Only Neil Hannon can write a song about a middle aged couple whose marriage is saved by joining a Saxon and Norman battle re-enactment group.

The set finished with probably their biggest hit ‘National Express’ which had everybody on their feet and Neil was doing the twist and clearly enjoying himself.
An encore of ‘Frog Princess’, an impromptu addition to the set, due to someone from the audience requesting it and they ended with ‘Tonight We Fly’. The band left the stage to massive love and applause from the crowd. Here is a band still at the top of their game.

The Divine Comedy setlist:
Set one:
‘Absent Friends’
‘At The Indie Disco’
‘Becoming More Like Alfie’
‘Everybody Knows (Except You)’
‘Bad Ambassador’
‘The Certainty Of Chance’
‘The Best Mistakes’
‘To The Rescue’
‘Generation Sex’
‘Something For The Weekend’
Set two:
‘A Lady Of A Certain Age’
‘Assume The Perpendicular’
‘Songs Of Love’
‘Norma And Norman’
‘Your Daddy’s Car’
‘Our Mutual Friend’
‘Gin Soaked Boy’
‘How Can You Leave Me On My Own’
‘Something For The Weekend’
‘I Like’
‘National Express’
‘Frog Princess’
‘Tonight We Fly’
Further details on The Divine Comedy can be found on their website: thedivinecomedy.com

Support tonight came from local five piece band Barbara, who I think sound like Ben Folds 5 crossed with The Kinks. Their six song set was well received by the crowd. ‘Rainy Days In June’ and ‘Don’t Send Me Messages’ were the standout songs.

Barbara will next be playing live in Brighton at The Prince Albert on 17th September and are well worth checking out. Purchase your tickets HERE.