Six candidates are standing in a by-election in the Rottingdean Coastal ward for a seat on Brighton and Hove City Council on Thursday 5 May.
The seat became vacant when Conservative councillor Joe Miller resigned.
The six candidates are Libby Darling (Green), Lynda Hyde (Conservative), Robert Mcintosh (Labour), Stewart Stone (Liberal Democrat), Stephen White (Independent) and Alison Wright (Independent).
Each candidate was sent questions submitted by voters. Below are the responses from Lynda Hyde.
Why do you want to be a councillor?
I want to use my experience to deliver for residents. I want to protect the character of our villages and seafront, restore Brighton’s “at risk” seafront heritage, improve facilities along the Undercliff Walk, get a grip on the delayed Black Rock regeneration and tackle the problems in Rottingdean High Street.
What do you think you could bring to the role?
I will bring knowledge, contacts and experience to the role, particularly with planning issues. Moreover, I have worked well with council officials, which is very important if you want to get things done. I understand some of the new and inexperienced councillors have not been able to fulfil this.
What is your vision to deal with issues such as congestion, parking and pollution?
Pollution will start to decrease once we have more electric vehicles but, in the meantime, planning has a role to play. The current development of St Aubyns in Rottingdean is a good example. There are many electrical charging points in the development, through planning, and this is to be welcomed.
Do you support the plans for the ward in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan known as the LCWIP?
The LCWIP is to be encouraged but must consider all users, including families and people with a disability who need cars and access to parking. Some of the council’s recent schemes have been badly thought out with minimum consultation with local residents (Old Shoreham Road) and this must not be repeated.
Do you support the gasworks redevelopment?
I do not support the current proposals which are an overdevelopment. The site is ideal for low-level development of family homes. The site abutting Marine Gate is recognised as an historical building and must not be obliterated by high rise flats. Another major consideration is the Kemp Town Conservation Area.
The east Brighton end of the ward often feels neglected. How will you engage with us?
I’ve never heard anyone say it is neglected. I and my ward colleagues have always fought for the ward. We have always helped the Lido, and Conservatives recently delivered an additional £1.135 million. We put the gym in Saltdean Oval, refurbished play equipment and delivered funding for a beach access ramp.
How would you push for more “social” housing rather than so-called “affordable” housing in areas like Rottingdean?
Building land in Rottingdean is very expensive. From experience on the Planning Committee, I know for every three units of social housing built on expensive land, the money could be offset to build four units on cheaper sites elsewhere. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to focus on Rottingdean for social housing.
What can you do to bring business back to Brighton Marina?
We need to connect the Marina’s commerce sector with the city’s seafront economy. The delayed £16 million Black Rock project has impacted on businesses. Who wants to walk through a derelict site to access the Marina? I will get a firm grip on this project and ensure businesses are involved.
What would you like to see at Black Rock now that plans to move the conference centre there are dead in the water?
I’d like to see leisure facilities for local residents and visitors alike. I support Volk’s Electric Railway Association’s plans for an extension towards this site. In the past, there has been support for an ice rink which would be very successful if a developer could be found to finance this.
Will you vote on issues according to their merit or along party lines?
Previously as a councillor, I didn’t always vote on party lines. I voted on the merit of the item. I would join a strong, united Conservative team with a clear plan and vision for the city which I support, including restoring heritage, saving Madeira Terraces and cleaning up the city.
How willing are you to get out and about in all the communities that make up the ward?
I have been a Rottingdean resident for 35 years and have been very active in community groups. I’ve been a school governor, Brown Owl for the Brownies and recently been in the Ovingdean Panto. I’ve always enjoyed attending community meetings when previously a councillor and will attend them if elected.
What are your views about the way that pedestrians, dog walkers, commuters and cyclists mix on the Undercliff Walk between Saltdean and the Marina?
I introduced barriers and measures requiring cyclists to dismount at the Ovingdean Café to protect walkers and those seated at the tables. These have been a great success to improve the situation for pedestrians and dog walkers. Fast cyclists should be encouraged to use the clifftop cycling path.
The Rottingdean Coastal by-election is due to take place on Thursday 5 May, with polling stations scheduled to be open from 7am to 10pm.
“The LCWIP is to be encouraged but must consider all users…” is code for supporting the status quo. The Conservatives have voted against every cycling and walking improvement in the city, including the LCWIP. Lynda’s vision is the continuation of a polluted congested city.
She totally misses the point about East Brighton and it seems she’s unaware of the ward boundary she is campaigning for.
Consistent with this is her unawareness of what is going on at Black Rock. Yes things are behind schedule but anyone with a pair of eyes can see the progress that has been made so far this year.
Yes it’s strange that she answered a question about East Brighton with responses relating to Saltdean.
It’s not like she wasn’t councillor for part of East Brighton for nearly 20 years so she should know what was being asked about.
She was a councillor round here for 20 years from 1999-2019. How come she didn’t even make a start on all the things she’s promising now??!!! Please go back into retirement, Lynda.
At least the conservatives have apologised for cutting the policing budget by 20% and acknowledge that policy was a mistake.
They are now funding the recruitment and training of 20,000 police officers, which will still leave a shortfall of 1000. No wonder crime has rocketed, but people still vote Conservative…the party of law and order! 😂🤣😂
No social housing for the ward? Millionaire row nearby, I would have to say. Out of touch NIMBY!
Are you the same Danial Harris using council taxpayers money going to Italy
with your labour party failures. You are a complete joke trying to make out
you have some experience on social housing. Stop scrounging off tax payers
and get a real job.