Six candidates are standing in a by-election in the Rottingdean Coastal ward for a seat on Brighton and Hove City Council on Thursday 5 May.
The seat became vacant when Conservative councillor Joe Miller resigned.
The six candidates are Libby Darling (Green), Lynda Hyde (Conservative), Robert Mcintosh (Labour), Stewart Stone (Liberal Democrat), Stephen White (Independent) and Alison Wright (Independent).
Each candidate was sent questions submitted by voters. Below are the responses from Alison Wright.
Why do you want to be a councillor?
As a local resident for 20 years, I am concerned that the council’s community consultation model is not always meeting the needs of residents. With experience in stakeholder engagement for policy development and implementation, I will work towards strengthening Rottingdean Coastal community’s influence to improve the council’s service delivery.
What do you think you could bring to the role?
With practical experience in running stakeholder engagement workshops and developing and implementing policy in renewable energy and sustainable development, from when I was working at the University of Brighton (2003-08), I’d like to bring my policy and business acumen to bear on addressing issues in Brighton and Hove City Council and enabling new community initiatives.
What is your vision to deal with issues such as congestion, parking and pollution?
Some residents have been working to find solutions for the A259 challenges and we all need to get involved to make real progress. The LCWIP (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan) provides a process that seeks to encourage people to walk or cycle instead. I’d work with these existing community initiatives and funded process since community feedback is essential for optimising policy.
Do you support the plans for the ward in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan known as the LCWIP?
The LCWIP’s 10-year process includes working with stakeholder groups using engagement methodologies to define solutions to address everyone’s needs. Rottingdean Coastal has higher than average serious road traffic accidents. We need this plan to consider this risk. I support the LCWIP because it involves residents who use the existing infrastructure and those that would like to use it in shaping improvements.
Do you support the gasworks redevelopment?
I’ll support the gasworks redevelopment when it achieves policy objectives. The current proposal is inadequate, many documents unavailable and nil affordable housing. The safety provision during remediation needs open evaluation. There are basic building design flaws, with a common staircase serving covered car parks. This compromises fire safety, issues I’ll address.
The east Brighton end of the ward often feels neglected. How will you engage with us?
In each community, I plan to work with existing groups, social or issue-based, to deliver a “community conference” for all residents, to raise awareness of what’s going on, discuss plans and issues and use stakeholder dialogue techniques to bring our communities together to raise concerns and formulate action plans for emergent ideas.
How would you push for more “social” housing rather than so-called “affordable” housing in areas like Rottingdean?
You’ve raised a neglected question. Social housing provision is not discussed in the City Plan and this is an issue that I will raise and give feedback on.
What can you do to bring business back to Brighton Marina?
I’d work with the business and residents associations and appropriate officers in the council to identify gaps and issues and find solutions. I’d be interested in co-ordinating a Rottingdean Coastal community conference at the Marina, where each locality can share what’s happening, plans and issues to create awareness and new opportunities for social interaction.
What would you like to see at Black Rock now that plans to move the conference centre there are dead in the water?
I need to familiarise myself with the issues around this. I would engage constructively with those already involved, as well as listen to the voices of those that have ideas that are not being considered.
Will you vote on issues according to their merit or along party lines?
As an independent candidate with no political affiliations, I will be voting based on merit. Financially, I am self-supported by a personal injury trust which I was awarded for loss of earnings.
How willing are you to get out and about in all the communities that make up the ward?
I will be proactive in reaching out to individuals and community groups and bringing people together to identify initiatives we support. I am keen to ensure we have a continuing dialogue to create considerate projects that works constructively for individuals, families and local businesses.
What are your views about the way that pedestrians, dog walkers, commuters and cyclists mix on the Undercliff path between Saltdean and the Marina?
I’m a frequent visitor of the Undercliff walkway and am impressed at how all the various modes of transport and users interact to avoid accidents. This very social space might benefit from signage to remind us to be aware and careful, possibly a project children could get involved in. We need to hear their voice too.
The Rottingdean Coastal by-election is due to take place on Thursday 5 May, with polling stations scheduled to be open from 7am to 10pm.
A lot of on the fence answers around housing. I want councillors to show a bold vision and not mince words, especially independents.