Advertising boards are set to be put up on the Patcham roundabout.
Brighton and Hove City Council has applied for advertising consent for four small boards on the roundabout.
The boards would be 1m wide by 30cm high, and held up by 30cm posts.
The application, written by the council’s parks projects manager Paul Campbell, asks for a 20-year permission starting from this Thursday.
The land is owned by Highways England, which came under fire in 2016 when it cleared bushes on the roundabout to improve visibility.
The ward’s councillors said it had left it looking like an “ugly abandoned wasteland”.
In 2019, the box hedging which spelt the word “WELCOME” opposite the roundabout was replaced by a floral display after the box became diseased.
Advertising on a roundabout! Not sure if that’ll help safety at all. If people are paying attention to the junction then no time to read anyway. Surely there are safer places next to the many areas around the city with queueing traffic!
At least the signs are only a foot tall. So should only distract those with smaller cars. The SUV drivers will be safe!
More muddled thinking from the council….
Any driver worth their salt won’t read the signs. But maybe, just maybe, the passengers will. Your narrow-minded thought about single-occupancy cars without thinking of anyone else shows it’s your – and only your – thinking that’s muddled. In short, you don’t know what you’re on about.
I can imagine Worthing and Eastbourne advertising that they are “motorist friendly” with low parking charges, and no “bus gate” traps.
You can imagine it if you wish, but seeing as reality and your imagination are – at best – merely nodding acquaintances, your point of view, based as it is in a fallacy, has no meaning.
It seems that you have no awareness of what motorists coming to the city think of the experience.
Looking at your other comments below it seems you are totally out of touch with reality.
Are you by any chance a Green Party councillor?
There was, for a while, a horrendous sign at the side of the road on the way into Brighton near there.
Do you mean the one that used to welcome visitors to Brighton and Hove?
Not sure the revenue potential is 8 figures but at least it’s a start. We have the loss in revenue from the Green Stain’s removal of parking on the seafront and Madeira Drive. We also have the £8M budget shortfall to cover from the poorly costed and even more poorly designed VG3.
You may be underestimating the council’s ability to make a mess of implementing things! Yes, money could be made from advertising. But there are costs to set up and risks (eg. the signs could blow over causing damage/accident and liability).
I wonder if the council will take out the right insurance, budget for the time to get planning permission, costs to sell space etc etc. And at the end of it, whether they can make money or lose it. Their ability to understand commercial business cases has been well documented with the i360….
It’s incredible how stupid aome people can be. You grizzle when the council makes money; you grizzle when they’re out of money. The common denominator here? Your grizzling.
Another one who has absolutely no idea what they’re on about. The excellent Valley Gardens project doesn’t have an £8m shortfall as the money has not been applied for yet. Council funding shortfalls are the sole fault of central Government. All the while people like you keep voting Tory, there will be growing shortfalls. Yet again, another ignoramus blaming the wrong people, and happy to broadcast their ignorance. Textbook.
Another fool who wants to blame the Government for the councils mismanagement.
Whatever funding is provided by the Government, it is the council who allocate and manage the various schemes.
We’ve had a succession of Labour and Green councils with history of wasting our cash.
i360, transport to school, millions of parking fees via a third party missing, stupid name tags, valley gardens fiasco, £5m spent on Stanmer park, the list goes on and on and on of wasted funds that should’ve been spent on other things.
Typical comments from a denier who can’t see the real problems, it starts at Brighton and Hove town halls…
Wow, what a presumptuous and clueless knobhead you are.
How about ‘Tourists Not Welcome Here’ , in keeping with the reset of BHCC’s policies
A truly stupid post, borne of spectacular ignorance. You are, literally, arguing with facts.
Really? So let’s have some facts from you then! How is BHCC encouraging tourists? What is it doing? Yes, lots of businesses are working hard. But much of what they do is often harmed by the council. How can thousands of tourists fined from the bus gate mess help? All that negative social media coverage. Will people come back for more fines, and will others risk it when their friends have been fined? How does the removal of seafront parking spaces help? How does making the main seafront road one way (and so lots of extra travel/delays/pollution) help? How does making much of the seafront into a fenced-off building site for a decade help?
I could go on, there are many more examples of how BHCC hasn’t been encouraging tourists. Yes, they still come, but that’s local businesses trying desperately to encourage them. How does the council help? I’m looking forward to hearing your facts and examples of how the council helps…..
So lets think about this seriously.
1) Getting into and of Brighton. A nightmare at best.
2) Excessively high parking costs, that’s if you can find somewhere to park.
3) No park and ride.
4) Expensive, infrequent, unreliable bus services.
5) Dull, dirty and disgusting streets.
6) And what about the toilets.
There’s six already…
The poster is bang on Dave.
Unless you wish
The point of entry into our city is this roundabout and it should be made attractive with plants and flowers – welcoming visitors not bombarding them with ugly advertising boards