Punk legend and UK Subs frontman, Charlie Harper, was this evening rockin’ The Con Club in Lewes with support from Cockwomble. It was a unique experience and one I was glad to attend.
The Con Club is a not-for-profit club open to both members and non-members, and this evening’s soirée was being hosted by Black Rabbit Productions & TLF.
Prior to this evening’s unique experience, Charlie was interviewed in the venue by the BBC and so the endearing 77 year old was buzzing by the time he hit the stage at 8:30pm for an 18 minute question and answer session.

Beforehand, it was the turn of Cockwomble to perform a select session of eight numbers from 7:45pm to 8:17pm. They are a Brighton based trio normally consisting of Ali on vocals and lead guitar providing incomparable lyrics, Victoria on bass and Leah on drums. They have appeared at Rebellion on the ‘Introducing Stage’ and are often met with critical acclaim. Keen eyed punk fans will note that Victoria is also a member of The Ramonas, who have had Charlie Harper guest on their album.

This evening, however, is a relaxed affair and as the punters are neatly seated behind circular tables, two of Cockwomble are also seated. In the house this evening for Cockwomble are just Ali on Fender guitar and Victoria on Japanese made Ibanez bass.
Ali, wearing his trademark black hat, informs us from the outset that they will be playing songs they don’t usually play live. They kick off with ‘Conspiracy’ which is the first of four tunes culled from their self-titled debut album. The others being their trio of tail end numbers ‘Henry XXXXXV’, ‘Threads’ and ‘Britain F.C.’
Next up was ‘Punk In A Dress’ which can be found on their second EP, which is titled ‘All Of The Money! None Of The Style!’. This was followed by their tribute to the Ramones, in the form of ‘Joey Ramone’ which can be found on their third EP, titled ‘Conspiracy’.

Ali informed us that they have been working on their second album during lockdown and that they would like to share a tune from this forthcoming release called ‘Long Corridors And Abandoned Wards’. It was penned in praise of the wonderful NHS. In this format this evening, it reminded me of Squeeze.
Next up was ‘Sex, Lies And Videotape’ from their ‘Henchmen’ EP, their first release. Ali conveyed that this tune was written for the Ramonas, but Cockwomble ended up with it. In between each tune, Ali gave a little banter whilst sipping liquid refreshment from his metal canister. He explained the thinking behind ‘Henry The Fifty-Fifth’ a ditty that conveys the joys of the dubious DNA of the Royal family.

The penultimate number was ‘Threads’ and finally came their football related number ‘Britain FC’. Ali is a Sunderland fan. Vicky is a Leicester fan. Every word of their 32 minute set could be heard clearly by the seated crowd and they showed their appreciation at the end.
Cockwomble are:
Ali Gavan – vocals/guitar
Victoria Smith – bass/backing vocals
Leah Dennison – drums

Cockwomble setlist:
‘Punk In A Dress’
‘Joey Ramone’
‘Long Corridors And Abandoned Wards’
‘Sex, Lies And Videotape’
‘Henry XXXXXV’
‘Britain F.C.’
Check out Cockwomble’s material on Soundcloud.
After a mere 13 minute interval, proceedings continued with a question and answer session with Charlie Harper conducted by one of the promoter guys. Clearly this wasn’t rehearsed as a few of the questions momentarily threw Charlie, which was pleasing to see. I hate it when the artists supply the interviewers with a set of questions or serious guidelines on what to ask and what not to ask, it’s so false. There’s nothing false about Charlie! What you see is what you get…………a bloody nice bloke who is punk through and through!

During this session we learned that there will be an autobiography coming out hopefully at the end of this year and it will be published by Rare Bird. There should also be a vinyl release with that. Charlie also informed us that the next UK Subs album will be titled ‘Reverse Engineering’. This has been completed and mixed as far as I recall as it has been talked about since last Spring, but Covid has certainly messed everyone’s plans up. This will be the first UK Subs album to be recorded separately to my knowledge. All of the guys did their parts in their own parts of the country and abroad.

Charlie was asked to recommend newer punk bands that took his interest. He flagged up a band called Fuzz and Aussie punks Amyl & The Sniffers. Charlie was asked if there were any bands that the UK Subs didn’t get on with and visa versa, The Fall was the reply, due to an incident at CBGB’s, where the Subs supported The Fall and a large majority of those present were Subs fans and when they finished, the audience vacated the venue and thus leaving the headliners, The Fall, to play to a spattering of fans.

The session concluded at 8:48pm and what followed was an intimate set amongst friends, hardcore fans and the curious, all of whom entered into the spirit of the night and thus had a memorable Sunday evening’s entertainment.

The music started at 8:50pm with an edited version of ‘Rat Race’, due to the woes of multitasking via singing and playing guitar at the same time. This was occasionally a struggle for Charlie during his sixteen tune set, but obviously he can be forgiven due to his mature years.

His alcohol free beer wasn’t loosening him up enough, thus his wife Yuko dutifully delivered a whisky and Coke in order to enhance proceedings. Two more UK Subs compositions followed before Charlie delivered ‘Little Black Crow’ which had the addition of a mouth organ as well as his guitar playing. ‘Little Black Crow’ and ‘Hobo’s Lullaby’ (which was performed later in the set with his wife) can both be located on Charlie’s second solo album HERE.

‘Move It On Over’ was next. It’s a Hank Williams cover. Then came ‘Teenage’ by the Subs. ‘Bottle Of Wine’ was up next and as Charlie explained. It was one of his early busking songs when he was first starting out in the music business.

UK Subs classic ‘Party In Paris’ should have been next but Charlie sadly glossed over it and launched into the lyric version by the Anti-Nowhere League of Ralph McTell’s ‘Street Of London’. After this we had ‘True Love Will Find You In The End’ which is a Daniel Johnston composition. The Velvet Underground’s ‘I’m Waiting For My Man’ tune was covered next and then Yuko joined Charlie on stage for the first time in public. Charlie informed us that at home she usually plays the ukulele when they sing along together, but tonight she took over on guitar (which she is currently learning) whilst Charlie played the mouth organ to ‘Hobo’s Lullaby’ which he informed us was an American Civil War style tune penned by Woody Guthrie.

Yuko then switched to electric Fender guitar and Charlie had his acoustic guitar back for ‘War Baby’, which I believe is an Urban Dogs tune. Charlie is part of the Urban Dogs with Knox from the Vibrators.

The main set concluded at 9:34pm and then after a few minutes break, Charlie was joined on stage by Maxine from the Ramonas on electric Fender guitar and they played four UK Subs tunes, the last of which was ‘Warhead’, when they were also joined by Vicky from Cockwomble (and the Ramonas). The evening concluded at one minute to ten to sizeable applause.

Charlie Harper setlist:
‘Rat Race’ (edited) (UK Subs cover)
‘Tomorrow’s Girls’ (UK Subs cover)
‘Rebellion Song’ (UK Subs cover)
‘Little Black Crow’
‘Move It On Over’ (Hank Williams cover)
‘Teenage’ (UK Subs cover)
‘Bottle Of Wine’ (Tom Paxton cover)
‘Streets Of London’ (Ralph McTell cover)
‘True Love Will Find You In The End’ (Daniel Johnston cover)
‘I’m Waiting For My Man’ (The Velvet Underground cover)
‘Hobo’s Lullaby’ (with wife Yuko) (Woody Guthrie cover)
‘War Baby’ (Urban Dogs cover) (with wife Yuko)
‘Stranglehold’ (UK Subs cover) (with Maxine from the Ramonas)
‘C.I.D’ (UK Subs cover) (with Maxine from the Ramonas)
‘Limo Life’ (UK Subs cover) (with Maxine from the Ramonas)
‘Warhead’ (UK Subs cover) (with Maxine and Vicky from the Ramonas)

Find out more about Charlie Harper’s band the UK Subs HERE and purchase tickets for their forthcoming Brighton concert at Patterns on Thursday 7th April 2022 HERE.

Excellently documented review and photographs. This was indeed a really good (special) evening’s entertainment. Appropriate that the distraction contributed by Cinderella’s sisters weren’t deemed worthy of a vowel or consonant
Thank you for your kind words Andy. Their foot sizes didn’t fit
Best haircuts I ever had! He could do curls!