The latest instalment of the ‘Punk Sunday Lunch’ series of concerts has been announced today by the promoters ‘An Alternate Gathering’. They have released details of their high summer event that will be taking place on Sunday 10th July at The Prince Albert which is located a stone’s throw away from Brighton Railway Station at 48 Trafalgar Street, Brighton, BN1 4ED.
This news is so hot off of the press that the ticket links have not as yet been posted. So it is wise for all punk rockers to etch that date into their diaries straight away and in a few weeks time you can hopefully find the link that you are looking for.

Who is on the bill this time I hear you ask? Well they have secured the services of Menace, The Bleach Boys and Gripper Lee 3.
Doors will swing open at 1:45pm and then at 2pm on the dot the Gripper Lee 3 will be called into action. You will be given a short while to recuperate and then at 3pm on the dot The Bleach Boys will be on the case. Then at 4pm headliners Menace will be rockin’ the joint with their sounds of 1976. Expect expletives a plenty until the conclusion at 5pm.
The Brighton & Hove News Music Team reported on the Menace concert at B.O.A.T in Hove on 7th September 2019. Here’s our account:

“The afternoon’s proceedings were brought to a close with a 54 minute set from Menace who along with The Weird Things, both appeared at this year’s biggest punk festival – Rebellion. Amazingly, this was my first encounter with Menace despite the fact that they were around in the 1977 heady days of punk. They were never really at the fore and yet here we are 40 plus years later and a new album entitled ‘Social Insecurity’ saw the light of day last December – listen HERE”.
“As is often the case these days, it’s not the original band’s lineup still going today, but the Brighton punk picnickers didn’t care one iota, as several took to the ‘dancefloor’ and bopped around to their repetitive early punk sounds. The vocals are often shared across the quartet and it’s difficult to judge who is going to sing next, but that was part of the fun. This band certainly were not a menace and I particularly enjoyed once again hearing their 1978 ‘Small Wonder’ records ‘G.L.C.’ classic, that I had forgotten about. Maybe I should endeavour to locate a copy of their ‘Punk Singles Collection’ album, as I’m sure I would enjoy it”.

Find out more about Menace by visiting their website HERE.
To find out more about The Bleach Boys visit HERE.
You can find Gripper Lee 3’s work on their Bandcamp page HERE.
Learn about ‘An Alternative Gathering’ and the many other concerts they are putting on by visiting the official website HERE.