Traffic jams could worsen on already congested roads, according to a new petition pleading for a review of the local network.
The extra traffic is expected as thousands of new homes are built, including just over 1,000 planned for Toads Hole Valley, in Hove.
The plans for Toads Hole Valley are due to be considered by councillors next year but neighbours fear that, if approved, they will make a bad situation worse.
Big housing schemes are already under way in Hove – in Sackville Road and Ellen Street – in an area earmarked for even more homes in future.
Now, a Hove Park and Goldstone Valley resident, Gareth Hall, has started a petition on the Brighton and Hove City Council website calling for a review of the local road network.
More than 100 people have signed the petition about traffic gridlock in the Hove Park area.
The petition says: “We the undersigned petition Brighton and Hove Council to review the road network in Hove Park ward and bring forward proposals to reduce congestion.
“In the next few years traffic in Hove Park ward will increase dramatically due to major developments in the area. It has been estimated that many roads will see an increase of between 30 per cent to 60 per cent.
“Roads in the ward are already heavily congested, causing huge problems for Brighton and Hove residents and visitors.
“One of the main access / entrance routes into and out of Hove is Snakey Hill (King George VI Avenue).
“This road is already severely congested, resulting in vehicles being forced to gain access to the bypass on adjacent minor roads that were never designed for the number of vehicles currently using them.
“The increase in traffic over the next few years will make this problem much worse.”
Mr Hall said that people could struggle to find clear details about the Toads Hole Valley plans and their implications although hundreds have left comments about them on the council’s website.

He said: “If you live in Hove Park ward, you’re going to get traffic increasing by 40 per cent in the side roads. That issue seems to be ignored.
“A lot of people use our roads to reach Snakey Hill to access the bypass. That route is not only busy now, but when they build Toads Hole Valley, there’ll be an additional volume of cars.
“The entrance to Toads Hole Valley is opposite Goldstone Crescent, so it’s is going to become the main access route into and out of Toads Hole Valley.”
Mr Hall is concerned that future schemes at Shoreham Harbour will also affect traffic using King George VI Avenue and Benfield Valley to and from the A27 Brighton bypass.
The petition runs until Wednesday 6 April. To read it or sign it, click here.
Has Gareth Hall modeled the traffic flows in Snakey Hill including side roads and new junctions?
Isn’t this a job for our new transport planning team and associated consultants?
Hello Peter no I haven’t but Vectos working on behalf of the developers have and the increase in traffic is shown in their report
I notice that it doesn’t seem to occur to the local press to see the bigger picture; lots of stories about THV proposed [!] development and others about the proposed [!} Lidl supermarket at the top of Snakey Hill on the roundabout. But rarely are two and two put together
Both are supposed to have entrances/exits off Snakey but this road is also propsed to be reduced to one lane in each direction with several traffic light controlled junctions
Queueing on the hill upwards is already bonkers after 4 pm and downwards is constantly busy. Imagine the chaos and driver frustration at large slow HGVs, breakdowns [happen frequently] and minor accidents [ditto] plus increased traffic flow and no permission given for a new entrance/exit from the bypass