All councillors will be allowed to attend all council and committee meetings in person from next month as measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are further eased.
But Brighton and Hove City Council plans to admit just six members of the public to meetings that by law are required to be open to all.
The council said: “The proposals outlined are recommended as offering a way forward which is consistent with legal advice and with current public health guidance.”
Some officials will continue to join meetings by video link.
The meetings are all due to be webcast and, in addition, members of the public with questions, deputations or petitions will be allowed to attend in person.
The proposals for future meetings will be considered at a meeting of the full council next Thursday (15 July) although most councillors are not expected be in the chamber for the meeting.
A change in the law permitted councillors to meet and vote online during the covid pandemic but the temporary law expired just over two months ago.
Since then, the council has started holding meetings in the chamber at Hove Town Hall but, mostly, with fewer members present.
The council said that the arrangements were to enable social distancing although at one meeting one member, Labour councillor Clare Moonan, said that they were all sat much closer together than in pre-pandemic meetings.
The report going before the full council meeting next week said: “This council is committed to democratic and transparent decision-making and a strong level of public engagement.
“A return to the visible and active participation by all of the elected members, co-optees and standing invitees appointed to the council’s decision-making bodies is considered important to achieve as soon as this can be safely implemented.
“The Local Government Association continue to lobby the government to implement a change in the law to permit hybrid meetings.
“It is still hoped that new legislation will be introduced which would enable participants to be present either physically present or virtually, with equal opportunity to input and vote.
“The government has issued a ‘call for evidence’ in relation to the arguments for and against allowing virtual or hybrid meetings and the council has responded to this to support the case for a change to the law.
“Unless or until legislation is passed the council must stay within the current law.”
The proposals include a requirement for everyone in the council chamber to wear a face mask.
The full council meeting at Hove Town Hall is due to start at 4.30pm next Thursday (15 July) and is scheduled to be webcast.
Never mind ‘allowed’! All councillors should be required to return to meetings in person!
It is outrageous that this breach od democracy was ever allowed. Council have plenty of premises to use if Hove town hall not deemed large enough via risk assessment. No excuses whatsoever to exclude either councillors OR public! I hope they reverse and suspend all decisions made while this outrage was in play.