Work has begun on putting in new traffic lights and pedestrian crossings at the top of Duke’s Mound.
According to provisional plans in the Black Rock planning application, a set of lights will be installed on the eastbound carriageway of Marine Parade just before the Duke’s Mound junction.
Two formal crossings, one to the east of the junction across Marine Parade, and one across the top of Duke’s Mound, will be put in.
And at the bottom of Duke’s Mound, lights will be installed on Madeira Drive on either side of the junction, with a formal crossing just to the east of it.
A new footpath and cycle lane will be created on the southern side of Madeira Drive to the east of the junction, and an informal crossing near the bottom of Duke’s Mound, at the bottom of the steps.

Work started on 12 April, and a sign on Marine Parade says it is due to take 12 weeks – until July 5 – and that delays are likely.
It was during scoping work for these roadworks that council officers decided a section of Madeira Terrace’s green wall had to be cut back to improve visibility at the junction.
The resulting severe pruning caused an outcry and an investigation has been launched into how it happened.
Meanwhile, work to create a new cycle lane along Madeira Drive is almost complete, with a new green surface being applied.
Once finished, the cycle lane on the pavement will be removed, creating more space for pedestrians, particularly at pinch points from Peter Pan’s playground to the Bison Bar.
So is this based around yet another council imposed Experimental Traffic Order where no consultation takes place and permanent changes are made that last 18 months, after which the council can ignore any complaints, and with no pre-defined success criteria claim they worked.
Of course, after 18 months, everyone will have adapted to the changes.
Was this part of the biased transport consultation farce, the results of which will not be disclosed until June?
It’s great being ruled by the Green politburo 🙁
More undemocratic Experimental Road Traffic Orders ruining our city and misleading us about being ‘temporary’. As a council taxpayer I do NOT consent and was never asked. Action will be taken.
Everything seems temporary according to our green council party but soon becomes permanently without consulting any of us tax payers never have agreed or even consulted about changes So council again powers taken over
Hi, just a quick clarification – these works aren’t being done under the temporary measures. They were unanimously approved by the council’s cross-party planning committee last June. The planning application was open for public comments for a few months before that.
I remember when coaches of foreign students used to line marine parade. I guess they got the memo that brighton is an overpriced dump.
Do you also remember there is a global pandemic that is stopping travel? Because I feel like that is probably more relevant
The Green ruination of Madeira Drive creeps ever on. All in the interest of dogma and at a vast expense.