Police say they are “turning up the dial” on lockdown enforcement and will step up patrols in party hotspots following a string of “disappointing and selfish” breaches over the weekend.
The first £10,000 fine in Sussex was given to the organiser of a party at a student house in Norwich Drive, Bevendean, on Saturday night attended by more than 100 people.
The same night, a large party on Falmer campus was broken up and a rave in nearby Stanmer Park was thwarted after officers confiscated the sound system.
There was also disorder in the city centre after the pubs and bars closed at 10pm.
Officers attending these incidents were subjected to abuse and sometimes physical attacks, with a police sergeant being injured at the Norwich Drive party.
Today, Chief Constable Jo Shiner said: “This is an incredibly difficult time for everyone and we are all being affected by the current situation in one way or another.
“Throughout the entire pandemic, Sussex Police have been overwhelmed by the positive response to the covid-19 regulations from the vast majority of Sussex residents and visitors who are trying their best to adapt to the changing situation.
“We will continue to take a proportionate approach, to understand people’s circumstances and engage, explain and encourage compliance ahead of any enforcement.
“However, I am saddened to say that a minority of people are acting irresponsible by testing the boundaries and, in some cases, blatantly flouting government regulations with a complete disregard for the impact of this disease on others and, I want to make it clear, it is not just students and young people.
“This behaviour will not be tolerated and those who choose to knowingly break the rules will be fined. We will be turning up the dial on enforcement where people are blatantly disregarding regulations which risk the acceleration of the spread of covid in Sussex.
“This will include additional patrols in hotspot areas where fines will be issued to those who do not comply.

“I am also disappointed to say that unfortunately, a number of my frontline colleagues over the weekend suffered injuries and were subjected to both verbal and physical abuse.
“Our officers and staff find themselves in a wide variety of often unpredictable and fast-moving situations. However, the behaviour some of them had to experience on the weekend was simply appalling.
“I continue to be very clear that any assaults on those frontline workers doing their very best to protect the law-abiding public will be dealt with firmly.
“None of us would ever choose to be in our current position and I empathise hugely with those who have lost loved ones or whose business and employment has been affected.
“It is now more important than ever for us all to work together, support one another and ensure we are all adhering to the latest government guidance. We need to protect the NHS and save lives by helping to prevent the spread of the virus.”
Local authorities and partner across Sussex are continuing to work together to help people manage the latest restrictions.
The Sussex Resilience Forum will continue to effectively co-ordinate the response to the pandemic alongside key partners.
SRF chair Assistant Chief Constable Dave Miller said: “I understand the challenges that this latest lockdown will bring and thank the public for their continued support and co-operation. By following the latest measures they will helping protect the NHS and save lives.
“The SRF will respond to the latest information from the government regarding the lockdown when it is known. We are committed to continue working as a collective forum to provide support and consistency in the response to the pandemic across Sussex.”

Sussex police and crime commissioner Katy Bourne is supportive of the chief constable’s decision to increase enforcement against those who continue to flout covid rules.
She said: “I recognise how disheartening it is for the public to hear of another lockdown situation but, with covid cases rising, now is not the time to be indifferent and break the rules put in place to keep us safe and protect our NHS.
“I want to thank the majority of Sussex residents who have played their part during the pandemic. However, it is disappointing that we have had such a show over the weekend of those who want to flout the law.
“I support Chief Constable Shiner’s decision to increase enforcement and I hope that the promise of a significant fine for blatant rule breakers will serve as a strong deterrent at this time.
“The demand on policing is now back to pre-covid levels. Please remember that every time an officer is called away to deal with a covid rule-breaker, that is one less officer available to support a vulnerable person or catch a dangerous criminal.
“I’m urging all Sussex residents to play your part in reducing the spread of this virus and ultimately help lessen the strain on our emergency service workers. Please show respect for those on the frontline risking it all to keep us safe.”