Tenants in council flats who upgraded their Sky TV packages have been unable to see their favourite programmes because the new digital box was incompatible with the communal aerial on their block.
They have complained to Sky and their landlord – Brighton and Hove City Council – with concern growing as Sky is switching all its subscribers over to the new “Q Box”.
The council persuaded Sky to carry out some upgrades but work stopped, leaving tenants in limbo.
The matter has been raised with the council’s housing management panels which are collectively a forum for more than 13,000 tenants and leaseholders across Brighton and Hove.
In a series of “virtual” meetings next week, tenants will be given an update on the problem.
One of the council’s housing managers Miles Davidson wrote in a report for the panel meetings: “We are aware of this issue and have been working to resolve it for some time.
“We had a few meetings with Sky initially to try to resolve the issue.
“But, after an initial phase of upgrades, they stopped working with and funding our own contractors to enable completion of upgrade works in our blocks.
“Hence some of the communal blocks having been upgraded and others not.
“We have asked Sky in the past to not sell the Sky Q package to residents in blocks where the communal systems could not support it as the resident would not be able to benefit from the enhanced service.
“We are aware that they are now planning on moving all customers over to Sky Q and of the issues this causes many residents who are Sky customers.
“We have asked our communal digital aerial contractor to carry out a survey on all blocks to confirm which are Sky Q compatible and where any upgrade works are required.
“Sky are now willing to allow our contractors to complete these works.
“The survey has been completed in the last week and we are in the process of working up a programme of upgrades, to include costs, to carry out these upgrade works over the next few months.
“This being a ‘new’ programme of work will need to be approved internally before we are able to proceed.”
I cant get sky q. No longer have sky. Was told to go back down to sky HD. I upgraded to sky q at a cost. When asked bout price for going down to sky HD they told me it was no different. Also told to get hold of council to check aerial then get back hold of sky to see if they can make same date. They couldn’t. I asked them to get in touch with council to try make a date for them both to come at same time. They can’t do that.
There’s a thing called a “hybrid LMB”.
As long as your building owner are prepared to install one. Problem solved.
Unfortunately as the building isn’t your property, you’re quite right… Sky aren’t permitted to trespass, and it sounds like the owner isn’t prepared to allow reasonable access.
Maybe time to find a new landlord?
What a pointless article.
The issue is resolved and with the Council to approve internally.
What a pointless comment! It’s not resolved yet. They might have a plan, but Sky and the council are both capable of messing it up! I have relatives who are still affected by this problem!
We have same problem in bow E3 in london Clarion housing they say it works and don’t want to know but sky engineers say different say needs upgrading
Pointless comment. Get your facts right.
This is the norm in many a block of flats, let alone council.
Sky has to change how customers can benefit from Sky Q.
They are the ones losing out.
I’m a Communal TV Systems engineer and can confirm that all buildings that have communal tv/satellite distribution systems will require upgrade works in order for skyQ to work 100%.
If your a Management Company /Council and require advice etc for any Communal TV System works please get in touch .
Surely it would be easier for sky to just move fully to broadband service and not need a satellite to power their service.
What are you supposed to do if you have your own non Sky free-to-air receiver which won’t work with a Sky Q feed and they “helpfully” covert your feed to Sky Q?
I have the same Sally’s problem here in Salford, Greater Manchester, my landlord sai the block TV communal system don’t support the Sky Q. The Sky refused to make the price down and I decided to end the subscription on 21th November.
Sky is no longer good company, my sky plus hd, hasn’t worked for three days and still not working, I have tried to reached them, cant got anyone to talked to.. am done with sky..
Sky can provide a dish and transponder that will work with sat boxes of any type.They are dual type and you may have a battle to get them fitted.
Communal aerial or communal dish? I wasn’t aware that Sky supports any aerials.