Brighton and Hove’s bid for Government money to give more roadspace to cyclists and pedestrians has been rated so highly the city has been given even more cash to implement it.
The city council was originally allocated £594,000 in the first round of funding for temporary pro-cycling and walking measures and asked to come up with ways to spend it.
Several schemes including an ambitious A259 cycle lane from the Aquarium roundabout to the King Alfred were approved by city councillors last week and submitted to the Government.
Today, the council heard it has been allocated 11% more than it bid for, a total of £663,000.
A council spokesman said: “”We have been successful in securing more than our allocation of circa £594,000 and have actually secured £663,000.
“This will enable us to take forward the first tranche of schemes agreed at the Environment, Transport and Sustainability committee last Tuesday, including the first phase of the A259 Cycle Lanes from The Aquarium Roundabout to King Alfred.”
The city’s original allocation was already the highest per capita in England and the extra money will mean Brighton and Hove will implement one of the country’s most ambitious set of changes.
The allocations were based on how many people typically used public transport to commute pre-lockdown according to the 2011 census.
The aim is to persuade those who previously took the bus or train for short journeys to cycle or walk rather than jumping in a car.
Other measures include:
- A new cycle lane between the A23 and Cheapside, to link the National Cycle Network with the Valley Gardens Scheme.
- An experimental traffic regulation order covering The Lanes to close the north end of Black Lion Street and close Ship Street at the North Street Junction.
- Queen’s Road between North Street and the Clock Tower, and West Street, to close to southbound traffic, except for buses, taxis and bicycles, as part of an experimental traffic order.
- Gardner Street to close on weekdays as well as weekend
- Work to close or partly close Trafalgar Street, following consultation with businesses.
Good news for the city but we don’t even have a footpath on Roedean Road – can we, as pedestrians and cyclists, dog-walkers and mobility users, at least have an equal opportunity to safe non-car use!!
i am a cyclist, so all for safe cycling provision but this is a waste of money, there is already a cycle lane along the whole seafront!!! use the money for elsewhere, or how about improved bin collection, potholes, signage to stop litter. or better yet restoring Madeira drive promenade, or improving the eyesore around the start of the marina! how about a holistic plan for the whole city not piecemeal blocking off streets.
I am writing this with a fractured arm as a result of a crash with another cyclist two weeks ago on that seafront path. So I am all for widening it and taking it off the pavement. I was hit by an electric bike at speed who was too close to me. 🙁
Can’t help noticing that the seafront ironwork looks in good condition on the illustration when in fact it is in a disgusting state. Rust is eating through the seafront balustrade, Ditto the lamp post bases, ditto the benches. Some of the seafront shelters are in pretty poor condition too, and they stink of urine and are full of rubbish. Yet the Council talks about promoting tourism. This is the most useless Council I can remember. The only thing they are good at is self-promotion.
I’m a disabled motorist, I wish I could ride a bike!!!!
Our parking bays have been given over to pedestrians and bike parks, preventing us using local shops. We can’t visit our beach because we can’t park anywhere and all public parking is taken by tourists.
I agree with Gillian, this council is appauling. They are only focused on obtaining money (tourism and grants) but not in fixing the infrastructure (eg Kings Rd) to cope with increased traffic. Residents have to suffer, particularly the disabled!
People saying this money would be better spent elsewhere but this is a grant for cycle lanes and pedestrianisation.