The mayor of Brighton and Hove wants people to nominate those in their community who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help others during the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The mayor, Councillor Alexandra Phillips, said: “It’s been wonderful to see such incredible community spirit these last few weeks, with people rallying together to help each other during this crisis and making sure everyone in our city is cared for.
“I’ve been particularly amazed and humbled by the speed at which ‘mutual aid’ groups have multiplied and become more and more focused, so that individual streets now have their own WhatsApp groups to ensure everyone on their street is looked after.
“I would like to thank everyone for their efforts during this difficult time – those in the NHS putting their lives at risk to look after us all, council staff and those of other agencies keeping essential services running, shopkeepers and those in small businesses and third sector organisations supporting their local communities and all those residents and volunteers working in their neighbourhoods to support those who need help in their community at this difficult time.
“You are all heroes.
“Although impossible to honour everyone, I am calling on residents to nominate those people in their community who have gone above and beyond in the service of their community.
“They can be absolutely anyone but I’m especially interested in those people who may not otherwise be recognised and appreciated for what they are doing.”
The mayor said that nominations were being sought for anyone living or working in Brighton and Hove who had shown outstanding community spirit and dedication in the face of the coronavirus crisis and who had gone above and beyond the call of duty to help their community with practical action which had made a direct and significant positive impact on the lives of others.
To nominate someone, send a letter or email of no more than 250 words – with no attachments – including the name of the person, contact details and what it was that the person had done to merit the nomination. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Nominations should be sent to mayorsoffice@brighton-hove.gov.uk or to the Civic Office, Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JA, by Friday 1 May.
A panel of community leaders chaired by the mayor will select the winners, whose names will be announced at the Brighton and Hove City Council full council meeting on Thursday 14 May (in whichever format the meeting takes place).
A Community Champion certificate will be sent to the nominee. At a later date, a celebration will be held in the Mayor’s Parlour to thank the “community champions” for the contribution they have made to their community.